Closed pencilcheck closed 1 year ago
I used vike to create the initial template for the starter app.
It contains tsconfig.json
{ "compilerOptions": { "strict": true, "module": "ES2020", "target": "ES2020", // Doesn't apply to server/, see ts-node config down below and server/tsconfig.json "moduleResolution": "Bundler", "lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ESNext"], "types": ["vite/client"], "jsx": "react-jsx", "skipLibCheck": true, "esModuleInterop": true }, "ts-node": { "transpileOnly": true, "esm": true, "compilerOptions": { "module": "Node16", "moduleResolution": "Node16" } } }
I then followed the steps on telefunc to install telefunc, I install the package dependencies using pnpm, then I tried to add the vite plugin.
The website seems to run, but my typescript server keeps warning me that it cannot find the type declaration, when it is clearly inside node_modules
If anyone can help me this will be greatly appreciated.
👍 Reproduction or PR welcome. I'll re-open then.
I used vike to create the initial template for the starter app.
It contains tsconfig.json
I then followed the steps on telefunc to install telefunc, I install the package dependencies using pnpm, then I tried to add the vite plugin.
The website seems to run, but my typescript server keeps warning me that it cannot find the type declaration, when it is clearly inside node_modules
If anyone can help me this will be greatly appreciated.