brillout / wildcard-api

Functions as API.
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Add FrontendType while context is typed on backend #58

Closed michie1 closed 4 years ago

michie1 commented 4 years ago

Resolves #51

Not done in this PR:

brillout commented 4 years ago


  1. What do you think of ServerGeneric? And what do you think of naming the type variables?
    type WithoutContext<EndpointFunction, Context> =
    EndpointFunction extends (this: Context, ...args: infer EndpointArguments) => infer EndpointResult
    ? (...args: EndpointArguments) => EndpointResult
    : never;

export type ServerGeneric<Endpoints, Context> = { [endpointName in keyof Endpoints]: WithoutContext<Endpoints[endpointName], Context>; };

It's more verbose though. not sure which is better.

2. The `examples/typescript/tsconfig.json` doesn't have `"strict": true`. Setting `strict` solves this.

3. I just tried and seems to just work.

4. Check out the `docs/` and the `` script of the root `package.json`.

## TypeScript

You can use your backend types on the frontend by using TypeScript's `typeof`.

!INLINE /examples/typescript/endpoints.ts
!INLINE /examples/typescript/client/index.ts

The `!INLINE` command inlines the content of the file; comfy to write always-updated and bug-free code blocks :).

5. I guess `tsc --noEmit` would do the trick? I tried and it seems to find the tsc files and transpile them (I still have to check if it actually finds all the `.tsc` files), even though `tsconfig.json` is pretty much empty. Maybe a `examples/typescript/package.json#scripts.test` that 1. installs the dependencies and 2. runs `tsc --noEmit`.

Thanks for your lovely solution & PR. It was making me sad that I couldn't find a solution.
michie1 commented 4 years ago
  1. I'm not sure about ServerGeneric, I don't know if calling it generic makes it more clear. Furthermore, it's not a big deal for me. Using larger names for the variables is a good idea.
  2. That's easy. I'm so used to strict set to true.
  3. :ok_hand:
  4. :ok_hand:
  5. I don't have experience with testing types. Usually you just write tests in typescript, tests the behavior and when there are no compile errors the types are correct. is a package to test types, but I think it's an overkill for this PR and probably for this project as well.

You are welcome. It's nice for me that I can contribute something back. The PR is not finished yet, but we'll get there.

michie1 commented 4 years ago

Btw, I can't start the backend in the typescript example in Master.

  assert(yes(() => {}));

Seems like there is a bug in the isArrowFunction?

brillout commented 4 years ago

I suspect you are using another Node version. I'll rewrite a more stable version on master.

brillout commented 4 years ago

I suspect you are using another Node version. I'll rewrite a more stable version on master.

Done 80c00cabefc9eda180454cf2214c791d0959c785. Does it work now?

brillout commented 4 years ago
  1. You're right it's redundant. Hm, not sure how to name this then. Maybe we can keep FrontendType until we find something better.

  2. Ok that makes a lot of sense; I'll add TS types to the tests.

brillout commented 4 years ago

Done 80c00ca. Does it work now?

The patch is published in 0.5.2

michie1 commented 4 years ago

Done 80c00ca. Does it work now?

The patch is published in 0.5.2

I get the same assertion error with node v12.19.0 and latest master (bd7e3fab975321e0cbdc1257d2036b4f4d7404af)

ts-node is converting the arrow function to a regular function. console.log((() => {}).toString()); // function () { } ts-node -e "console.log((() => {}).toString())" tsc is doing the same.

brillout commented 4 years ago

I've made some changes to the scripts.

Does the following now work?

  1. git checkout master
  2. git pull
  3. cd examples/typescript/
  4. yarn clean
  5. yarn start
  6. Go to http://localhost:3000

That's precisely what I'm doing on my end and TS is not transpiling arrow functions, which is the expected behavior since"es2017" (the root tsconfig.json).

michie1 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that works, my bad. Thanks!

brillout commented 4 years ago

Ok neat - no probs. (Actually I'm glad I rewrote the scripts, they were suboptimal.)

brillout commented 4 years ago

Merged :ok_hand:.

I'm curious, you mentioned a while ago using getContext to set cookies, are you still using that approach? What do you think of