brim-borium / spotify_sdk

Flutter Package to connect the spotify sdk
Apache License 2.0
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502 errors when attempting any action with the API #164

Open banool opened 2 years ago

banool commented 2 years ago

Is this a how to question? No

Is this a native Spotify SDK issue? No

Have you searched for existing issues? Yes

Are you using a Free or Premium Spotify account? Premium

Are you aware of the limitations of Free Spotify accounts? Yes

Expected behavior I can call the functions under SpotifySDK which are supported according to the README and they work.

Describe the bug First, actual repro steps. The code in question is all here. You can go there and run flutter run -d chrome --release, log in, then hit "tune in". If you actually try these repro steps, I imagine I'll need to add your email to the set of authorized users for the app from the Spotify dashboard.

So, the problem I'm seeing is this. You can see here the code I use to login to Spotify. This works. After this however, any attempt to use the spotify SDK fails. For example, trying to queue up a track here. Instead, I get this error.

I've tried many things, such as:

Strangely, the connection still seems to be somewhat alive, because from the desktop / web Spotify app I can see the player and play to it and it'll come from that web page.

I should say that everything works fine for iOS and Android.

Any help with this would be much appreciated, I'm pretty much out of ideas. Thanks a lot!

Steps to Reproduce See above.

Screenshots N/A

spotify_sdk Flutter package version 2.3.0

Target Platform, Version & Device

Development OS

Additional context N/A

banool commented 2 years ago

I looked at the example code and couldn't figure out what I'm doing differently also.

banool commented 2 years ago

Okay seems like the issues where these:

For the latter, I've got some changes in I can make PRs out of these if folks think they're reasonable, but now I'll be using my own branch.