brim-borium / spotify_sdk

Flutter Package to connect the spotify sdk
Apache License 2.0
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Fix null album when getting advertisement on android #179

Closed rohitsangwan01 closed 1 year ago

rohitsangwan01 commented 1 year ago

Getting no updates from stream when there is an advertisement on android ,working fine on IOS Possible error cause was ,

Album _$AlbumFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Album(
  json['name'] as String,
  json['uri'] as String,

here these values are non nullable , but android gives null album value in response when there is an advertisement and because of this , spotify_sdk failed to parse that response into PlayerState model , and we will not get any playerState update

here is a sample of jsonData from nativeAndroid , when advertisement is playing

{is_paused: false, playback_options: {shuffle: false, repeat: 0}, playback_position: 89, playback_restrictions: {can_repeat_context: true, can_repeat_track: false, can_seek: false, can_skip_next: false, can_skip_prev: false, can_toggle_shuffle: false}, playback_speed: 1.0, track: {album: {}, artist: {}, artists: [], duration_ms: 29712, image_id: {raw: }, is_episode: false, is_podcast: false, name: Advertisement, uri: spotify:ad:0000000172ade163000000203a9f868d}}

So here , we can see that album is an empty array , which breaks the PlayerState model

and here is a sample of normal song

{is_paused: false, playback_options: {shuffle: false, repeat: 0}, playback_position: 0, playback_restrictions: {can_repeat_context: true, can_repeat_track: false, can_seek: false, can_skip_next: true, can_skip_prev: false, can_toggle_shuffle: false}, playback_speed: 0.0, track: {album: {name: Clapton Chronicles: The Best of Eric Clapton, uri: spotify:album:6FCakQJ6z6TF0y0qkHYKgy}, artist: {name: Eric Clapton, uri: spotify:artist:6PAt558ZEZl0DmdXlnjMgD}, artists: [{name: Eric Clapton, uri: spotify:artist:6PAt558ZEZl0DmdXlnjMgD}], duration_ms: 260000, image_id: {raw: spotify:image:ab67616d0000b2734e36eb543ce3731ac913845c}, is_episode: false, is_podcast: false, name: Layla - Acoustic; Live at MTV Unplugged, Bray Film Studios, Windsor, England, UK, 1/16/1992; 1999 Remaster, uri: spotify:track:6YEOmCsXSk9ZPE0FkcCiuQ}}