Getting no updates from stream when there is an advertisement on android ,working fine on IOS
Possible error cause was ,
Album _$AlbumFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Album(
json['name'] as String,
json['uri'] as String,
here these values are non nullable , but android gives null album value in response when there is an advertisement
and because of this , spotify_sdk failed to parse that response into PlayerState model , and we will not get any playerState update
here is a sample of jsonData from nativeAndroid , when advertisement is playing
Getting no updates from stream when there is an advertisement on android ,working fine on IOS Possible error cause was ,
here these values are non nullable , but android gives null album value in response when there is an advertisement and because of this , spotify_sdk failed to parse that response into PlayerState model , and we will not get any playerState update
here is a sample of jsonData from nativeAndroid , when advertisement is playing
So here , we can see that album is an empty array , which breaks the PlayerState model
and here is a sample of normal song