brim-borium / spotify_sdk

Flutter Package to connect the spotify sdk
Apache License 2.0
143 stars 81 forks source link

Crash when parsing the Spotify iOS SDK response after connecting #209

Closed Kris9000 closed 5 months ago

Kris9000 commented 7 months ago

Is this a how to question? No

Is this a native Spotify SDK issue? I don't know

Have you searched for existing issues? Yes

Are you using a Free or Premium Spotify account? Free

Are you aware of the limitations of Free Spotify accounts? Yes

Expected behavior Spotify redirects to my app and playback starts.

Describe the bug The app crashes after having logged the following messages:

`AppRemote: Connecting... flutter: APP: Lifecycle state changed: AppLifecycleState.hidden flutter: APP: Lifecycle state changed: AppLifecycleState.inactive flutter: APP: Lifecycle state changed: AppLifecycleState.resumed [connection] nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C1.1.1:1] Socket SO_ERROR [61: Connection refused] AppRemote: Established a connection to the Spotify app. AppRemote: Authenticated with the Spotify app. AppRemote: Established a session with the Spotify app. flutter: \^[[38;5;12mconnect to spotify successful<…> flutter: SPOTIFY Player connection status: Instance of 'ConnectionStatus' AppRemote: Requesting subscription: <SPTAppRemoteSubscription: 0x282ebe300; id: 0; topic: com.spotify.player_state> AppRemote: Started subscription: <SPTAppRemoteSubscription: 0x282ebe300; id: 4; topic: com.spotify.player_state> AppRemote: Received event: <SPTAppRemoteSubscriptionEvent: 0x2820a9e60; id: 1> for subscription: <SPTAppRemoteSubscription: 0x282ebe300; id: 4; topic: com.spotify.player_state> playerStateDidChange warning: spotify_sdk was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.

Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Call SpotifySDK.connectToSpotifyRemote()

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Spotify_sdk Flutter package version Check you pubspeck.lock file to verify the exact version [e.g 2.1, commit ID]

Target Platform, Version & Device

Development OS

fotiDim commented 6 months ago

@Kris9000 which version of the library are you using? Do you experience the crash with the example app after you configure your own credentials?

fotiDim commented 5 months ago

Closing as no feedback was submitted. We can reopen if the issue persists.