brimdata / zed

A novel data lake based on super-structured data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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new zed lake: fix segment.PartitionSegments #2538

Open mccanne opened 3 years ago

mccanne commented 3 years ago

The segment partitioning algorithm needs an adjustment because it currently merges everything that overlaps. This could great a massively parallel merge scanner that would perform poorly.

A better algorithm:

the algorithm is a slight adjustment to the stack algorithm where
 for each segment in sorted order you create the set of segments
as a “partition” that overlaps the segment and limit the partition’s
range to the range of the first segment.  Then you go to the next segment 
and do the same, but figure out the next partition start-point from the
end of the last partition or the start of the next segment whichever
is bigger (and skip segments that fit entirely in the previous segment).

The commented-out code in lake/segment/parition_test.go should be reimplemnted as ztests and the test vectors there could very well work under this new algorithm. If not, we should study the difference and make sure we're okay with it.

mccanne commented 2 years ago

A simpler naive algorithm would be to partition the objects at each boundary where either a new object appears in the scan or an object leaves the scan. We also need to handle the case where the first and last pool key of an object are the same value (for example, with keyless objects); in this case the scan can be a simple concatenation. The important thing is to not try to scan a potentially large number of keyless objects in paralllel.

mccanne commented 2 years ago

^^^ This algorithm would result in the minimum number of parallel readers at all times, but it would also cause a potentially large number of fragmented reads of data objects from the storage layer.

mccanne commented 2 years ago

LSM rollups solve the problem, of course.

mccanne commented 2 years ago

deleting parition_test.go from the tree... this should be implemented as a ztest

/* TBD: re-do these tests with ztest by adding a way to scan the scan intervals...
   We need this functionality anyway to do pool introspection...
   See issue #2538

func kid(s string) ksuid.KSUID {
    var b [20]byte
    copy(b[:], s)
    k, _ := ksuid.FromBytes(b[:])
    return k

func createLake(t *testing.T) *lake.Pool {
    rootPath := iosrc.MustParseURI("file://" + t.TempDir())
    lakeName := "test-" + ksuid.New().String()
    ctx := context.Background()
    lk, err := lake.Create(ctx, rootPath, lakeName)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    pool, err := lk.CreatePool(ctx, "test", zbuf.OrderAsc)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    return pool

func importTzng(t *testing.T, pool *lake.Pool, s string) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    zctx := resolver.NewContext()
    reader := tzngio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(s), zctx)
    commits, err := pool.Add(ctx, zctx.Context, reader)
    require.NoError(t, err)
    err = pool.Commit(ctx, commits)
    require.NoError(t, err)

func seg(id string, first, last int) *segment.Reference {
    s := segment.NewReference(iosrc.URI{}, kid(id), 0)
    s.First = nano.Ts(first)
    s.Last = nano.Ts(last)
    return s

func TestPartitionSegments(t *testing.T) {
    cases := []struct {
        segments []*segment.Reference
        filter   nano.Span
        order    zbuf.Order
        exp      []journal.Range
            segments: []*segment.Reference{
                seg("a", 0, 0),
                seg("b", 1, 1),
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []journal.Range{
                {First: 0, Last: 0, Segments: []*segment.Reference{seg("a", 0, 0)}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 1}, Segments: []*segment.Referemce{seg("b", 1, 1)}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 1},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 1}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 1}, {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 2, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3}, {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 3, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2},
            filter: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 2},
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3}, {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 2}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 9, Last: 7},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 5, Last: 3},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderDesc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 7, Dur: 3}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 9, Last: 7}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 3, Dur: 3}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("b"), First: 5, Last: 3}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 9, Last: 5},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 7, Last: 3},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderDesc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 8, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 9, Last: 5}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 5, Dur: 3}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("a"), First: 9, Last: 5}, {ID: kid("b"), First: 7, Last: 3}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 3, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{{ID: kid("b"), First: 7, Last: 3}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                {ID: kid("d"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                {ID: kid("c"), First: 0, Last: 0},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                    {ID: kid("c"), First: 0, Last: 0},
                    {ID: kid("d"), First: 0, Last: 0}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 5},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 8},
                {ID: kid("c"), First: 6, Last: 6},
                {ID: kid("d"), First: 7, Last: 10},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 5}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 5}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 5},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 8}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 6, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 8},
                    {ID: kid("c"), First: 6, Last: 6}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 7, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 8},
                    {ID: kid("d"), First: 7, Last: 10}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 9, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("d"), First: 7, Last: 10}}},
            chunks: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 10},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 10},
                {ID: kid("c"), First: 2, Last: 10},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 10}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 10},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 10}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 2, Dur: 9}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 10},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 10},
                    {ID: kid("c"), First: 2, Last: 10}}},
            chunks: nil,
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp:    nil,
    for i, c := range cases {
        t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
            assert.Equal(t, c.exp, alignChunksToSpans(c.chunks, c.order, c.filter))

func TestOverlapWalking(t *testing.T) {
    lk, err := CreateOrOpenLake(t.TempDir(), &CreateOptions{}, nil)
    require.NoError(t, err)

    const data1 = `
    const data2 = `
    const data3 = `
    dataChunkSpans := []nano.Span{{Ts: 15, Dur: 11}, {Ts: 10, Dur: 11}, {Ts: 0, Dur: 6}}
    importZSON(t, lk, data2)
    importZSON(t, lk, data1)
    importZSON(t, lk, data3)

        var chunks []segment.Segment
        err = tsDirVisit(context.Background(), lk, nano.MaxSpan, func(tsd tsDir, c []segment.Segment) error {
            chunks = append(chunks, c...)
            return nil
        require.NoError(t, err)
        require.Len(t, chunks, 3)
        segment.Sort(lk.DataOrder, chunks)
        var spans []nano.Span
        for _, c := range chunks {
            spans = append(spans, c.Span())
        require.Equal(t, dataChunkSpans, spans)
        var chunks []segment.Segment
        err = Walk(context.Background(), lk, func(c segment.Segment) error {
            chunks = append(chunks, c)
            return nil
        require.NoError(t, err)
        require.Len(t, chunks, 3)
        var spans []nano.Span
        for _, c := range chunks {
            spans = append(spans, c.Span())
        require.Equal(t, dataChunkSpans, spans)
        var chunks []segment.Segment
        err = tsDirVisit(context.Background(), lk, nano.Span{Ts: 12, Dur: 20}, func(tsd tsDir, c []segment.Segment) error {
            chunks = append(chunks, c...)
            return nil
        require.NoError(t, err)
        assert.Len(t, chunks, 2)
        segment.Sort(lk.DataOrder, chunks)
        var spans []nano.Span
        for _, c := range chunks {
            spans = append(spans, c.Span())
        assert.Equal(t, []nano.Span{{Ts: 15, Dur: 11}, {Ts: 10, Dur: 11}}, spans)
        type sispan struct {
            si         nano.Span
            chunkSpans []nano.Span
        var sispans []sispan
        err = SpanWalk(context.Background(), lk, nano.Span{Ts: 12, Dur: 10}, func(si SpanInfo) error {
            var chunkSpans []nano.Span
            for _, c := range si.Chunks {
                chunkSpans = append(chunkSpans, c.Span())
            sispans = append(sispans, sispan{si: si.Span, chunkSpans: chunkSpans})
            return nil
        require.NoError(t, err)
        assert.Len(t, sispans, 2)
        exp := []sispan{
            {si: nano.Span{Ts: 15, Dur: 7}, chunkSpans: []nano.Span{{Ts: 15, Dur: 11}, {Ts: 10, Dur: 11}}},
            {si: nano.Span{Ts: 12, Dur: 3}, chunkSpans: []nano.Span{{Ts: 10, Dur: 11}}},
        assert.Equal(t, exp, sispans)

func TestMergeChunksToSpans(t *testing.T) {
    cases := []struct {
        in     []segment.Segment
        filter nano.Span
        order  zbuf.Order
        exp    []SpanInfo
            in: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3, RecordCount: 10},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 3, RecordCount: 20},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3, RecordCount: 10}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 1, Dur: 3}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3, RecordCount: 10},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 1, Last: 3, RecordCount: 20}}},
            in: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3, RecordCount: 20},
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 2, Last: 5, RecordCount: 10},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 4}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 3, RecordCount: 20},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 2, Last: 5, RecordCount: 10}}},
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 4, Dur: 2}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 2, Last: 5, RecordCount: 10}}},
            in: []segment.Segment{
                {ID: kid("b"), First: 0, Last: 0, RecordCount: 10},
                {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 0, RecordCount: 10},
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp: []SpanInfo{
                {Span: nano.Span{Ts: 0, Dur: 1}, Chunks: []segment.Segment{
                    {ID: kid("a"), First: 0, Last: 0, RecordCount: 10},
                    {ID: kid("b"), First: 0, Last: 0, RecordCount: 10}}},
            in:     nil,
            filter: nano.MaxSpan,
            order:  zbuf.OrderAsc,
            exp:    nil,
    for i, c := range cases {
        t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
            assert.Equal(t, c.exp, mergeChunksToSpans(, c.order, c.filter))
