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problem with Planck 2018 likelihood #306

Closed okamatu-fumiya closed 9 months ago

okamatu-fumiya commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I want to run montepython v3.5 with class_clumpy-main using Planck 2018 likelihoods. I think that Planck2018 likelihoods have been successfully installed. But, when I run montepython using Planck_high_TTTEEE etc, errors show the following.

clik version 3be036bbb4f9 gibbs_gauss b13c8fda-1837-41b5-ae2d-78d6b723fcf1 Checking likelihood '/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/low_l/commander/commander_dx12_v3_2_29.clik' on test data. got -11.6257 expected -11.6257 (diff -1.07424e-09)

Checking lensing likelihood '/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lensing/smicadx12_Dec5_ftl_mv2_ndclpp_p_teb_consext8.clik_lensing' on test data. got -4.42102 free(): invalid pointer free(): invalid pointer free(): invalid pointer free(): invalid pointer srun: error: cn0133: task 3: Aborted (core dumped) -4.63e-05 1.92e-05 1.18e-05 7.80e-04 1.00e-06 2.08e-07 -1.91e-06 -2.20e-06 -4.76e-07 6.21e-06 -5.10e-06 1.00e-05 5.79e-06]]srun: error: cn0133: tasks 0-2: Aborted (core dumped)

I have reinstalled the Planck 2018 likelihood to solve this error, but it doesn't work well.

I want to resolve this error. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Best regards, Fumiya

dchooper commented 1 year ago

Hi Fumiya,

We need to narrow down the source of the problem. Can you try running "clik_print" (in any directory), after sourcing the planck binary files, and let us know the output.

When you install the Planck likelihoods, are you sure it's pointing to the right compilers? (To check this, look out for any error messages or warnings when compiling them).


okamatu-fumiya commented 1 year ago

Dear Deanna C. Hooper

Thank you for your reply. I tried running "clip_print" and then the error shows the following:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lib/python/site-packages/clik/", line 6, in import pyfits as pf ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyfits'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/bin/clik_print", line 6, in import clik File "/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lib/python/site-packages/clik/", line 25, in from .miniparse import miniparse File "/sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lib/python/site-packages/clik/", line 9, in from import fits as pf ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'astropy'

However, I have installed modules "astropy" and "pyrites".

Just be sure, when I tried ./waf configure --install_all_deps, I show the output:

Setting top to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01 Setting out to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/build Checking for program 'gcc, cc' : /usr/bin/gcc Checking for program 'ar' : /usr/bin/ar Check gcc version : 8.5.0 Compile a test code with gcc : yes Setting architecture flag to : ['-m64'] Checking for program 'ifort' : /sc/system/ap/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/bin/intel64/ifort Checking for program 'xiar' : /usr/bin/ar Checking for program 'ar' : /usr/bin/ar Check ifort version : Compile a test code with ifort : yes retrieve ifort link line : ok fortran link line : -L/sc/system/ap/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin -L/sc/system/ap/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.4.304/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ -L/lib -L/lib64 -lintlc -lifcoremt -liomp5 -lirc -lifport -limf -lsvml -lpthread Setting install root to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01 Setting install bin directory to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/bin Setting install lib directory to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lib Setting install include directory to : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/include check compatibility of ifort and gcc versions : ok Checking for program 'python' : /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/python Checking for python version : 3.6.9 python-config : /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/python3.6-config Asking python-config for pyembed '--cflags --libs --ldflags --embed' flags : not found Asking python-config for pyembed '--cflags --libs --ldflags' flags : yes Testing pyembed configuration : yes Checking for library dl : yes checking for RTLD_DEFAULT in dl : no compile with debug option : OFF Checking for program 'pmc-config' : not found Checking for library pmc : not found Check mkl version : 10.3 create specific mkl lib : /sc/home/fumiya.okamatsu/plc-3.01/lib/ Checking for library ['clik_mkl', 'iomp5', 'pthread', 'm'] : yes checking for function 'dposv' : yes checking for function 'dtrsv' : yes checking for function 'dpotrf' : yes checking for function 'dpotrs' : yes checking for function 'dpotri' : yes checking for function 'dtrtri' : yes checking for function 'dtrmm' : yes checking for function 'dtrmv' : yes checking for function 'dgeqrf' : yes checking for function 'dormqr' : yes checking for function 'dsyev' : yes checking for function 'dgesvd' : yes checking for function 'dsymv' : yes checking for function 'dgemv' : yes checking for function 'dgemm' : yes checking for function 'dsyrk' : yes checking for function 'dsyr2k' : yes checking for function 'daxpy' : yes checking for function 'dtrsm' : yes checking for function 'dsymm' : yes checking for function 'dsyr' : yes checking for function 'ddot' : yes checking for function 'dsyevd' : yes checking for function 'dlamch' : yes checking for function 'dsyevr' : yes Checking for library ['cfitsio'] : yes checking for function 'fits_init_cfitsio' : yes Python version allows for automatic install : yes (3.6.9) Checking for program 'python' : /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/python Checking python module 'numpy' : ok Checking python module 'astropy' : ok Checking for program 'python' : /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/python Checking python module 'cython' : ok Checking python module 'cython' : ok Checking cython version (>0.20) : 0.29.13 Checking for program 'cython' : /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/cython Add plugin : 'rel2015' : ok

---------------------------------------------------- Configure step ok.
run './waf install' now !


'configure' finished successfully (8.401s)

If you have any ideas, please let me know.

Best regards, Fumiya

dchooper commented 1 year ago

Hi Fumiya,

This looks to me like a conflict in python environments: the one that is called when you install the planck likelihoods seems to be a specific conda environment, and I imagine this is not the same python environment that is called when you opened the python terminal (or indeed when you run MontePython).

You can type in your terminal which python to see where it is pointing: from the Planck installation scripts, it looks like you want to use /home/uchu/fumiya.okamatsu/.conda/envs/fumiyaenv/bin/python. If the which python is pointing somewhere else, then you need to force it find the right python path.

Cheers, Deanna