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Non mpi-run restart problem #317

Closed DanielBThomas closed 9 months ago

DanielBThomas commented 1 year ago


Firstly my apologies if this is covered elsewhere. I tried to go through existing issues, and some of them seemed related, but I couldn't see one that clearly seemed to address this same issue.

I have run some chains (not mpi), with the resulting outputs 2023-02-19_150000__1.txt, 2023-02-19_150000__2.txt etc.

I tried to restart each of these two chains with separarte jobs using the options -r ./chains/.../2023-02-19_150000__1.txt -r ./chains/.../2023-02-19_150000__2.txt

The terminal output for these jobs began promisingly /!\ Restarting from ./chains/.../2023-02-19_150000__1.txt... /!\ Restarting from ./chains/.../2023-02-19_150000__2.txt...

However, when I went into the chains that were created at the end, they both seemed to be created from 2023-02-19_150000__1.txt.

Have I used the commands wrong somehow? Is there a non-mpi way to restart each of these chains within the same directory?

Again apologies for any incompetence on my behalf, either finding this in another issue or if the error is the commands I am using.

Thanks Dan