// Documentation for "rspecifier"
// "rspecifier" describes how we read a set of objects indexed by keys.
// The possibilities are:
// ark:rxfilename
// scp:rxfilename
// We also allow various modifiers:
// o means the program will only ask for each key once, which enables
// the reader to discard already-asked-for values.
// s means the keys are sorted on input (means we don't have to read till
// eof if someone asked for a key that wasn't there).
// cs means that it is called in sorted order (we are generally asserting
// this based on knowledge of how the program works).
// p means "permissive", and causes it to skip over keys whose corresponding
// scp-file entries cannot be read. [and to ignore errors in archives and
// script files, and just consider the "good" entries].
// We allow the negation of the options above, as in no, ns, np,
// but these aren't currently very useful (just equivalent to omitting the
// corresponding option).
// [any of the above options can be prefixed by n to negate them, e.g. no,
// ns, ncs, np; but these aren't currently useful as you could just omit
// the option].
// bg means "background". It currently has no effect for random-access readers,
// but for sequential readers it will cause it to "read ahead" to the next
// value, in a background thread. Recommended when reading larger objects
// such as neural-net training examples, especially when you want to
// maximize GPU usage.
// b is ignored [for scripting convenience] , opts->binary = true
// t is ignored [for scripting convenience] , opts->binary = false
// So for instance the following would be a valid rspecifier:
// "o, s, p, ark:gunzip -c foo.gz|"
为了方便调试 把 mat 中 protect 改成public
然后 打印一下
data_ 是个地址,不过没事
接下来要判断的是 只改 data_的值就好了吗 还是说要做什么操作?
所以还是有去分析一下 ark的文本结构。(另外 scp好像是可以索引到ark的 )
另外 ark,t: 可以让输出变成文本,默认的ark:是二进制文件。
另外 还有 ark,scp: 至于啥用就不清楚了ark,scp:xxxx.ark,xxxx.scp
ok 开始分析ark中的东西
其次 矩阵操作
ll exp/chain/tdnn7q_noivector_sp/egs/
cp -r /reserve/sunyq/egs/swbd/s5c/exp/chain/tdnn7q_sp /reserve/huangps/swbd/s5c/exp/chain/tdnn7q_sp cp -r /reserve/sunyq/egs/swbd/s5c/exp/chain/tri5_7d_tree_sp /reserve/huangps/swbd/s5c/exp/chain/tri5_7d_tree_sp