brinley / jSignature

jQuery plugin for adding web signature functionality
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SignatureDataConversion_dotNet cause wrong assembly information on ASP.NET Core projects. #113

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hi @brinley,

SignatureDataConversion_dotNet can cause wrong assembly information on ASP.NET Core projects, dotnet/cli #3620.

This is because SignatureDataConversion_dotNet project contains AssemblyInfo.cs and when I add jSignature to my project (via Bower) then by default Visual Studio treat this file like as part of my project...

By default ASP.NET Core projects don't include AssemblyInfo.cs and necessary meta data are taken from project.json.

So, when I add jSignature to my project (via Bower) then AssemblyInfo.cs file form jSignature is in use by Visual Studio.

Of course there is solution for this, but still it can make confusion for developers who don't know about that

Will be great if we can sort this on jSignature level ?

My suggestions how to deal with SignatureDataConversion_dotNet:

What do you thing about that ?

brinley commented 8 years ago

I like the third choice of upgrading the VS project. Do you know if this would cause any other issues? If not, can you please submit a PR? Thanks

ghost commented 8 years ago

Do you know if this would cause any other issues?

I'm not sure yet - should be fine form general perspective... I will check this.

However this is 'one way' upgrading, so it will be a problem for developers with older VS like as VS2012/2013 (still in use). They will be not able to directly open solution/project.

Of course still code will be directly accessible, so always you can create new project and just import specific class with code - it shouldn't be a big issue.

... can you please submit a PR?

Yes, of course.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Ok, looks like migration to VS2015 / .NET Core is ok.

Project is compiled successfully and all NUnit tests are passed - however I have no knowledge about this logic, so I can't verify it.

I have use all original code - with small modification in test project (to get path to samples files).

Unfortunately I have no time to deeply test it.

@brinley is this is ok for you ?

@brinley, last thing - do you want any special title / description / copyright / version ?

As for now I set:

title: SignatureDataConversion.Core / SignatureDataConversion.Tests
description: jSignature Tools
copyright: Copyright © 2016 by jSignature
version: 2.0.0-*
brinley commented 8 years ago

Thanks for that, lets let it sit for a couple of weeks before merging incase someone else sees issues with this update.

For the version, perhaps we should increment the minor version number

ghost commented 8 years ago

Ok, I will update this over weekend

ghost commented 8 years ago

For the version, perhaps we should increment the minor version number

  • old version for SignatureDataConversion is,
  • jSignature is currently 2.0.2,

Please advise me what version exactly you want set ?

Please note: there is no changes in core code, however project was migrated to new (not backward compatible) version... so, we can consider this as 'breaking changes' ?

I don't have too much experience with 'not my own' repos - should I make next pull request or there is something else to do ?