brinley / jSignature

jQuery plugin for adding web signature functionality
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Intermittent Signature Field Blocking Issue #177

Open moosetunes opened 4 years ago

moosetunes commented 4 years ago

Hello. I'm using the latest .min version and have an issue that continues to surface over the last 3 years. The application uses a Chrome web browser in an Android touchscreen environment. On occasion the page will load but not allow input into a signature field. For example, the screen will scroll up and down when trying to sign in the signature area. I've tried a few different things over time such as giving the field focus and resetting the element but neither seem to completely eliminate the symptom. Is there an approach someone could suggest to perhaps check the field for readiness when appropriate?

Thanks in advance. Moose

11/9/19 update- I was able to narrow down the issue. The div I am hiding and showing contains the signature field. See below.

$('#primarysig').hide('fast'); $('#primarysig').show('fast');

Signature field visible but blocked

document.getElementById("primarysig").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("primarysig").style.visibility = "visible";

Signature field visible and available