brinley / jSignature

jQuery plugin for adding web signature functionality
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JSignature not working with touch Windows 10, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, works with Safari 2012 version #186

Open naillamarb opened 3 years ago

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

JSignature not working with touch Windows 10

Using Microsoft Surface Go with Windows 10 pro Using Generic Tablet with Windows 10 home

A developer is using JSignature to capture signatures in a document. Using a mouse on either device allows the user to drag a signature. Using a finger touch does not work, you can tap the JSignature box and will get a dot, if you hold your finger for a second then drag you get a small line that stops a 1/4 inch later. You can repeat tap or repeat 1 sec hold and drag to get more dots and short lines. I have tried: Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, Opera browsers and non are working .

I downloaded Safari 2012 version on to the Microsoft Surface and I am able to use finger touch to create the signature.

On the generic Tablet with Windows 10 home: I went to the JSignature demo page:

Mouse works but Finger Touch dragging does not work.

Looking for some help in fixing or understanding how I may go about fixing issue.

Please and Thanks.

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

jSignature note working Win10

brinley commented 3 years ago

Is it the same on

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for the follow up. works on Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge when I test on the generic tablet. Do you know what the difference is between: and

??????? Again thank you for the quick response.

brinley commented 3 years ago

willowsystems was a fork of my jSignature and they contributed back to jSignature but i dont think they maintain that fork anymore

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for getting back to me.

So it is the “jSignature” Widget that is the difference, not the programming around the “jSignature” Widget correct?

brinley commented 3 years ago

Sorry, not sure what you mean by that.

This is the repo for the original jSignature code.

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

I replaced the current: jSignature.min.js with jSignature.js and renamed it to jSignature.min.js and left everything else the way it was. It now allows the touch screen signature to work. When I go to save the document is just spins a circle and never saves the document. I was hoping that replacing that file would allow it to work. I guess I am halfway there. I don't have enough programming ability to understand where that is going wrong. So I will most likely have to wait on the developer to resolve this.

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

After a little poking around and thinking, I realized I grabbed the wrong file. I have now grabbed the jSignature.min.js file from the LIB folder. I can now draw with the mouse and I can save the document with the signature. I have to get my client to test the touch process but I am thinking it will be working.

So again thank you a ton for getting back to me and the follow up.

I will post back hopefully one more time when I have the touch test done.

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

Ok, so that did not work: jSignature.min.js file from the LIB folder allows me to sign with a mouse and save the document with a signature. jSignature.js file from the src folder allows me to sign with a finger and mouse but saving the document hangs up. So what is the difference between the two jSignature files that causes the different functionality? Or what am I missing that is causing these two different reactions.

brinley commented 3 years ago

One is just a minified version of the other. Perhaps you have some other underlying issues Try

brinley commented 3 years ago

Can you share the code for saving the signature?

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

I am not sure what has changed: Original test results: ++++++++++++++++++++++ jSignature.min.js file from the LIB folder allows me to sign with a mouse and save the document with a signature. jSignature.js file from the src folder allows me to sign with a finger and mouse but saving the document hangs up. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Now for some reason I am back to neither allowing the touch signature to work. I can sign either with the mouse and I can save. I am wondering if I can PM you the code and ref folder

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I did a square one reset: Got back to: ++++++++++++++++++++++ jSignature.js file from the src folder allows me to sign with a finger and mouse but saving the document hangs up. So not sure what is up with that: But, I removed jSignature.js (moved it to a diff folder) Rebooted server, Rebooted tablet, Copied in JSignature.min.js from your download to the correct folder. Created document, Launched the webpage on the Tablet Entered the login data Got the Signature Pad Got user to Sign the Signature Pad Touch Signature now worked. Clicked the save button. Document updated with the signature attached and it save the document.

So at this point it appear like this is working. Works with Opera, IE, Firefox, Chrome.

Not sure what was up with it before when I was testing but X my fingers it is working.

Thanks for keeping the jSignature up to date.


naillamarb commented 3 years ago

Any chance that installing Opera and or Firefox would make any difference to the code working with Chrome?

It is really strange, when I went to set up the second MS Surface Go, I tried to use Chrome, got to the Signature box and touch sign would not work. I then installed both Opera and Firefox to test and see if they worked. I then rebooted and tried Chrome and now Chrome works on the Second MS Surface. Opera and Firefox work too.

Any ideas?

brinley commented 3 years ago

Might be a cache issue? Otherwise share the implementation code and we can try to debug

brinley commented 3 years ago

See if any of these help

naillamarb commented 3 years ago

To be clear, after installing the Opera and Firefox we the touch signature process works. I am willing to share the code but need to do that privately not here in the post. Is there a way for me to send you the code privately?

brinley commented 3 years ago

digitist commented 2 years ago

One is just a minified version of the other. Perhaps you have some other underlying issues Try

FYI, I too am experiencing this phenomenon whereby the minified file is breaking touch, but the original unminified does not. I think this should be investigated a bit further. Going to check into it more tomorrow.