briqNFT / briq-builder

DApp to build with briqs
21 stars 13 forks source link

Attempt to mint briqs fails #8

Closed hubsmoke closed 2 years ago

hubsmoke commented 2 years ago

Cool project! Had a problem minting I wanted to make you aware of in case it is helpful

Here's my txn hash status:

{"tx_status": "REJECTED", "tx_failure_reason": {"tx_id": 195761, "error_message": "Error at pc=0:1128:\nAn ASSERT_EQ instruction failed: 2 != 1.\nCairo traceback (most recent call last):\nUnknown location (pc=0:519)\nUnknown location (pc=0:387)", "code": "TRANSACTION_FAILED"}}

Using ArgentX wallet 1.1.0

hubsmoke commented 2 years ago

FYI gave it another shot and it worked

Am I supposed to see an updated balance of BRIQ tokens in my wallet? I tried adding 0x04aabebdf46043787c3da64aa2852a6e6062c1dbe5dcee51313c18cb2916fa89 but I continue to see 0 balance

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