[ warn ] Ops! Warning:
[ warn ] --------------------------
[ warn ] Actions are not supported with the "output": "static" option.
[ warn ]
[ warn ] The warn arises in: J:\brisa\packages\www\src\web-components\custom-counter.tsx
[ warn ]
[ warn ] This limitation is due to the requirement of a server infrastructure for the proper functioning
[ warn ] of server actions.
[ warn ]
[ warn ] To resolve this, ensure that the "output" option is set to "bun" or "node" when using server actions.
[ warn ]
[ warn ] Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or encounter challenges during this process.
[ warn ]
[ warn ] Documentation: https://brisa.build/building-your-application/data-management/server-actions#server-actions
Related https://github.com/brisa-build/brisa/issues/538
This was causing an useless warning in Windows: