bristolkr / assignments

TIY homework, mostly basic Ruby files from first week
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Assignment 2-3 #10

Closed ambethia closed 9 years ago

ambethia commented 9 years ago

Week 2 - Assignment 3


Using the blog layout you created in yesterday's assignment (or creating a new one) I want you to build a web app that loads blog posts from a data file in YAML format.

Use Webrick to serve the pages on port 8000.


After completing this assignment, you should be able to create a dynamic site from scratching using only tools from Ruby's standard library.

Performance Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should be able to effectively:

ambethia commented 9 years ago

Looks great! Let me know if you work on this further, but I'm accepting it :)

bristolkr commented 9 years ago

Done and the ERB/yaml now work. :)