britannio / in_app_review

A Flutter plugin for showing the In-App Review/System Rating pop up on Android, IOS, and MacOS. It makes it easy for users to rate your app.
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Review dialog doesn't always display after calling requestReview() on iOS in development mode #118

Open mvn-hangtran-dn opened 3 months ago

mvn-hangtran-dn commented 3 months ago

Follow this official document, review dialog is always displayed. But I tested found that sometimes it doesn't display without error. Seem like foregroundActive state of scene can not be founded. iOS version: 16.3

flutter doctor -v

[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.0.0, on macOS 14.3.1 23D60 darwin-arm, locale en-US)
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• No issues found!
britannio commented 3 months ago

Do you have any way to reproduce the error?

mvn-hangtran-dn commented 3 months ago

@britannio You can call requestReview(in:) when the scene hasn't attached. So the active scene is nil and review dialog can not show. By the way, why do you need to use an active scene? I tried to use an unattached scene and the review dialog can show with it. I'm not sure about mechanism of scene.

mvn-hangtran-dn commented 3 months ago

What do you think about this suggestion?

britannio commented 3 months ago

Presumably this change is sufficient?