britishredcrosssociety / covid-19-vulnerability

COVID-19 Vulnerability Index for neighbourhoods and Local Authorities in the UK
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Suggestion: filter maps #5

Open tomalrussell opened 4 years ago

tomalrussell commented 4 years ago

One thing that would be extremely useful is being able to filter LAs based on different combinations of vulnerabilities. I envisage the UI showing checkboxes for each indicator – clinical risk (Clinical_Risk_q), deprivation (Deprivation_q), digital exclusion (Digital_q) and so on – and the map only shows the subset of LAs based on which of them have their indicator_q variables == 5.

If the user only selects one indicator/vulnerability, it shows all LAs coloured by that indicator.

And if the user selects nothing, it shows the overall Vulnerability_q score

from @matthewgthomas - recording here before I lose the email - sounds like a good improvement to me.