britishredcrosssociety / local-lockdown

R Shiny dashboard for visualising information related to Covid-19 Test & Trace and local lockdowns
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New inf rate stat and demographic plots #19

Closed izzy-everall closed 3 years ago

izzy-everall commented 3 years ago

These are the latest demographic plots. It includes two options for plotting the covid infection rates. 1) this shows average over previous 3 weeks and current rate with error bar. (this is hashed out at the moment) I had to add in two columns (lower and upper) into 'local authority stats.csv' to plot the error bars so preprocess data.R has been changed. 2) this shows the cases per 100,000 for each week for the LAD and England and highlights latest rate for the LAD in bubble. I got the england data from - because i retrieved the latest data and was working with lad data for a couple of weeks before i wrote in a work around in preoprocess data.R so the data referred to the same time period - when everything is up to date this will need to be removed/changed.

I also couldn't view the icons initially but by calling the icons directly within the addMarkers() function it fixed the issue. I've experimented with clustering the parking icons as there are so many - not sure this is really an improvement though..

MikeJohnPage commented 3 years ago

I've experimented with clustering the parking icons as there are so many - not sure this is really an improvement though..

With the clustering function removed the map is too laggy, so I think it needs to remain in there for performance reasons.

mrsimonemms commented 3 years ago

Checked the Docker stuff and it works as @MikeJohnPage expects