britkat1980 / tsmart

13 stars 6 forks source link

Integration stops - can only regain states with re-installation #6

Open BettySwallocks opened 1 year ago

BettySwallocks commented 1 year ago

Hi, using the TSmart immersion integration and after success in installing and using my mosquitto MQTT instance, the integration suddenly stops working with unknown for all sensors. Restart of TSmart or MQTT does not resolve. So far only fix found is a removal and reinstallation of the TSmart add on.

HA Supervisor 2013.1 (latest) on Raspi 3B. Nothing meaningful (that I can find) in any logs. Wifi to TSmart seems reasonably stable.

Fairly new to MQTT and very new to TSmart, so any help diagnosing with command line or other ways then I'm happy to take advice.

Thanks in advance.

BettySwallocks commented 1 year ago

Diagnostic info:

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BettySwallocks commented 1 year ago

Just to update, I've been restarting and re-installing the add-on a few times recently and have actually found that the loss of comms is not resolved any more by doing either action, The comms seems to restore itself and then drop off again at ramdom intervals. The data can remain accurate for a few days but then will at some point just go out of date and the device will become unavailable. I'm looking at trying to detect this and notify to my telegram service, but I can't see any add-on reload service or other action that could bring the thing back to life within an automation...