brittAnderson / Intro2Computing4Psychology

A guided introduction to computing tools useful for research in psychology - targeted to complete beginners
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Hangman in R #81

Closed TheCanasian23 closed 2 years ago

TheCanasian23 commented 2 years ago

I usually write in python so I might be missing some brackets or my logic might not work for r. I honestly don't know why it doesn't work image

brittAnderson commented 2 years ago

We can't edit a screen shot. Use the code block option (look for the <> icon) and insert your code into the issue. Then also give a concrete problem of what doesn't work means and we can try to help you.

Also, you do not want to use as variable names words that have special meaning in a language. time is a built in function in R. Try a different name

TheCanasian23 commented 2 years ago

`hangman=function(word, guess){ x=nchar(word) sprintf("The word is %d letters long",x) sprintf("You have %d number of incorrect guesses.", guess) copy=word counter = 0 while (guess!=0){ letter=readline(prompt="Please enter the letter you would like to check:") position=list() let=FALSE for (a in range(nchar(copy))){ if (substr(copy,a,a)==letter){ append(position,a+1) sub(substr(copy,a,a),"",copy) let=TRUE counter=counter+1 } } print(position) if (counter==(nchar(word))){ return(print("You win! The word was:", word)) } if (let==FALSE){ guess=guess-1 } } return(print("You lose! The word was:",word)) }

times=function(maxx){ maxx = readline(prompt="Please enter the maximum number of incorrect guesses as a positive integer:") maxx = as.integer(maxx); hangman("hello",maxx) } ` So the file will take the maximum number of incorrect guesses and letter you want to guess, but it's not correctly check if the letter is right or not. It also not printing how long the word is, how many incorrect guesses you have to start, and an error occurs from the return print statement saying "invalid printing digits -2137483648"

brittAnderson commented 2 years ago

Your problems are traceable to a few things.

    hangman=function(targetWord = "hello", guess){
        sprintf("The word is %d letters long",x)
        sprintf("You have %d number of incorrect guesses.", guess)
        copyTargetWord = targetWord
        displayCorrectGuesses = rep("_",x)
        position = list()
        counter = 0
        while (guess!=0){
            letter=readline(prompt="Please enter the letter you would like to check:")
            for (a in seq(nchar(copyTargetWord))){
                if (substr(copyTargetWord,a,a)==letter){
                    displayCorrectGuesses[a] <- letter
            if (counter==(nchar(targetWord))){
                return(sprintf("You win! The word was: %s", targetWord))
            if (let==FALSE){
        return(sprintf("You lose! The word was: %s",targetWord))

Try hangman("psychology", 5)