britth / GameChanger

A simple command line program that processes Twitter data to discover popular moments in multi-game sporting events. Never settle for a boring game!
MIT License
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Main menu screen #14

Closed britth closed 10 years ago

britth commented 10 years ago

When the user initially runs the program, it will bring up a simple menu that receives user input in order to choose the sport and event the user wants to follow. Right now, this will simply be coded with one possibility (sport: Men's College Basketball; event: 2014 NCAA Men's Tournament), but it can later be expanded to other things.

britth commented 10 years ago

@sunhwap Can I assign this task to you?

sunhwap commented 10 years ago

Sure, I would be willing to do it.

sunhwap commented 10 years ago


britth commented 10 years ago

@sunhwap yay :dancers:

feel free to push up to github whenever you're ready!