brittyazel / Neuron

A full-featured World of Warcraft action bar and interface replacement addon
MIT License
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Zone/Covenatnt ability not showing sometimes +CD on Condemn no show #403

Open Addonman opened 3 years ago

Addonman commented 3 years ago

As you level zone abiltiy is empty from a start but sometimes it switches on later as you quest or you get second ability. Also yesterday i noticed that when i got ventyr ability to change execute into condem -it did change execute into condem but didnt change icon for it on bar.

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Also there is no CD showing for Condemn.

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Fixing bugs in Neuron lately?

brittyazel commented 3 years ago

I'm very busy at the moment, and am fixing things when and where I can. Neuron is not my priority at the moment, no. Once I finish the immediate deadlines in my personal life, I'll likely ramp Neuron work back up. Until then, I'll continue to do drive by fixes when I have a spare hour or two. 80+ hour work weeks make it hard to devote time to side projects, sadly.

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Its not big problem . Its just hard to see if you have given up on addon or just too busy. I havent received comment on this bug from 21 dec 2020 and too many times i have seen authors give up on addon and never tell users of their addon that they dont have time/interest to maintain it any longer. And given history i had with you as authors - meaning you at least acknowledeged bugs preatty quick even i you didnt fix it that moment made me wonder whats happening with addon which i used for very long (back to Maul days ).

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Any chance you looked at Condemn problem? Now every time i log in for first time on warr and try to use Condemn i get spell not learned message and i have to take spell out of spellbook again and relog for Condemn to start working.

brittyazel commented 3 years ago

Have you tried using the spellID?

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Is that even possiable for spells? For fun i tried it but nothing happens /cast 317349

brittyazel commented 3 years ago

Oh you're right! My mistake. I'll see what I can do to check this out. What class/spec is this?

Addonman commented 3 years ago

warr venthyr fury

brittyazel commented 3 years ago

brittyazel commented 3 years ago

Is this your issue? Seems like an issue with macros in general

Addonman commented 3 years ago

Not sure if its totally same since i dont get spell disapering from spellbook but in general yes. Plus i dont get 4sec cd timer on it .Just 1 sec global cooldown spin.