brittyazel / Neuron

A full-featured World of Warcraft action bar and interface replacement addon
MIT License
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buttons to update on mouseover #493

Open ylixir opened 1 year ago

ylixir commented 1 year ago

Curious if there is any update on this. I am currently using a hand full of mouseover macros for my Shaman and am also having issues with #showtooltip both not updating icons AND not actually showing tooltips.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Healing Surge; [@mouseover,help,dead] Ancestral Spirit; [harm][] Stormstrike

This is one example of my macros. It works fine with default/elvui bars but neuron does not update the image of the spell when mousing over a target, nor does it show the tooltip when I mouseover the spell. (It only shows the name of the macro)

Originally posted by @TheOSC in