brittyazel / Neuron

A full-featured World of Warcraft action bar and interface replacement addon
MIT License
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Overlay revamp binding #496

Closed ylixir closed 1 year ago

brittyazel commented 1 year ago

Nice, this looks good so far. How much of this could be replaced by moving to libkeybound do you think? I think this is one area where we could probably reduce our code maintance quite a bit

ylixir commented 1 year ago

Nice, this looks good so far. How much of this could be replaced by moving to libkeybound do you think? I think this is one area where we could probably reduce our code maintance quite a bit

no clue honestly. i haven't even began to look at libkeybind yet. i noticed that acegui has code relating to keybinding as well but no idea whether it's a match for us or not

i guess though that the more separated out our code is, the easier it will be to swap in libraries as alternatives