brjathu / PHALP

Code repository for the paper "Tracking People by Predicting 3D Appearance, Location & Pose". (CVPR 2022 Oral)
259 stars 38 forks source link

ERROR: Could not build wheels for detectron2, neural-renderer-pytorch, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects #32

Open raflitp opened 3 months ago

raflitp commented 3 months ago

Hi I'm trying to run the demo using my own video set but I found this error

ERROR: Could not build wheels for detectron2, neural-renderer-pytorch, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

can anyone help me with this one ??

jackgeng19 commented 3 months ago


It might be you are out of colab usage or make sure to change your runtime to GPU.

hbardak commented 1 month ago

Same here I can't build neural-renderer-pytorch I ma on windows 10 doing it locally Cuda 11.8

1 error detected in the compilation of "D:/Temp/pip-install-aqnogdme/neural-renderer-pytorch_642c4b9fabd9416581512994b04025fd/neural_renderer/cuda/".

Any pointers ?