brlin-tw / GNU-Bash-Shell-Script-Template

Easy-to-use GNU Bash shell script templates for for users to create new scripts.
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Licence: Vanilla.bash under GPL? #15

Closed Explorer09 closed 6 years ago

Explorer09 commented 6 years ago

The Vanilla.bash template (including this, not including the documentation) should be ineligible for copyright and be in public domain. I am not a lawyer, but I guess such a bad licensing can indicate you are not serious enough for the project.

brlin-tw commented 6 years ago

This is the licensing terms of GBSST:

GNU General Public License v3+ with an exception of only using this software as a template of a shell script(which you can use any license you prefer, attribution appreciated)

This means that GPL is enforced only when you're making another "shell script template" using this software, which you're demanded to also using GPL for your work

The GPL license isn't enforced at all if you use the template as a template, which of course includes the Vanilla.bash script.

For Lin-Buo-Ren/Vanilla.bash the only reason that the GPL is used is to hide the following remarks by the entensive length license text.


Explorer09 commented 6 years ago

So the license ambiguity was intentional, huh? Dammit. If you wanted to conceal some footnotes, then CC0 can be long and boring enough. Otherwise, I'll expect something meaningful be written, such as an FAQ, especially about why the template was nothing but a shebang line and some dummy comments.

brlin-tw commented 6 years ago

Well, Vanilla.bash is a joke project from the very beginning, you shouldn't expect more than a shebang line and some dummy comments.