brmson / yodaqa

A Question Answering system built on top of the Apache UIMA framework.
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Property Expansion - new step for handling list answers #29

Open pasky opened 8 years ago

pasky commented 8 years ago

When doing QA on databases, the right answer is often everything connected via a certain property. E.g. when asking "Who are the children of Marge Simpson?", we want to return a list of all entities connected via a particular property, even if individual evidence might prefer some to the others.

In general, thiss hould get a lot better when Honza Pichl's improved property selection is finished. But we still should have a general procedure for this. Proposal:

Prerequisite: List-aware gold standard, fully move to JSON-based datasets

sajjudroid commented 7 years ago

When execute command gradlew web -q ... the following exception is thrown as shown in following image please help! github1

nagygergo commented 7 years ago

Hey, I might provide some help here.

The relevant line of the error is the last one. The dbpedia provided by the ailao guys wasn't available at the time. Sometimes it's just a temporary failure and the db will be back in seconds but sometimes the db is really down since as far as I know it (not member of the team, no connection to them) they change their architecture quite often, but they keep the repo updated with the newest endpoints.

The system is prepared to handle this, so as you can see, it will run the request again in a couple seconds. If the system can't solve the problen itself in a couple of seconds, you should check if you can reach their dbpedia instance ping <db url>. You also can set up a dbpedia instance and set it up in the config (there is docs for that)

Also please open a new issue if you have any problems, to make issue management easier. :slightly_smiling_face:

sajjudroid commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this, i also check ping but not working.. :(

nagygergo commented 7 years ago

Well then probably you will have to set up databases on your machine/network. There is a lot of material provided in the data folder.