brndnmtthws / conky

Light-weight system monitor for X, Wayland (sort of), and other things, too
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.17k stars 615 forks source link

Process 1408 (conky) of user 1000 dumped core. (Arch Linux) #1172

Closed webcaptcha closed 1 year ago

webcaptcha commented 2 years ago


  Kernel: 5.16.8-arch1-1 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.1.0
    Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.24.0 tk: Qt 5.15.2 wm: kwin_x11 vt: 1 dm: SDDM
    Distro: Arch Linux
  Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B350-PLUS v: Rev X.0x
    serial: <superuser required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: 5602
    date: 07/14/2020
  Device-1: hidpp_battery_0 model: Logitech Wireless Mouse serial: <filter>
    charge: 55% (should be ignored) rechargeable: yes status: Discharging
  Info: 6-core model: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X bits: 64 type: MT MCP smt: enabled
    arch: Zen rev: 1 cache: L1: 576 KiB L2: 3 MiB L3: 16 MiB
  Speed (MHz): avg: 2010 high: 2989 min/max: 2200/3600 boost: enabled
    cores: 1: 1880 2: 1835 3: 1819 4: 2285 5: 1831 6: 1846 7: 2309 8: 1825
    9: 1855 10: 2989 11: 1845 12: 1806 bogomips: 86257
  Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 sse4a ssse3 svm
  Device-1: NVIDIA GM204 [GeForce GTX 970] vendor: ASUSTeK driver: nvidia
    v: 510.47.03 bus-ID: 07:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:13c2 class-ID: 0300
  Display: x11 server: X.Org compositor: kwin_x11 driver:
    loaded: nvidia resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz s-dpi: 92
  OpenGL: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2
    v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 510.47.03 direct render: Yes
  Device-1: NVIDIA GM204 High Definition Audio vendor: ASUSTeK
    driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus-ID: 07:00.1 chip-ID: 10de:0fbb
    class-ID: 0403
  Device-2: AMD Family 17h HD Audio vendor: ASUSTeK driver: snd_hda_intel
    v: kernel bus-ID: 09:00.3 chip-ID: 1022:1457 class-ID: 0403
  Sound Server-1: ALSA v: k5.16.8-arch1-1 running: yes
  Sound Server-2: JACK v: 1.9.20 running: no
  Sound Server-3: PulseAudio v: 15.0 running: yes
  Sound Server-4: PipeWire v: 0.3.45 running: no
  Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
    vendor: ASUSTeK PRIME B450M-A driver: r8169 v: kernel port: f000
    bus-ID: 03:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168 class-ID: 0200
  IF: enp3s0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
  IF-ID-1: docker0 state: down mac: <filter>
  IF-ID-2: docker_gwbridge state: down mac: <filter>
  Local Storage: total: 2.05 TiB used: 156.28 GiB (7.4%)
  ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Plextor model: PX-256M5Pro size: 238.47 GiB
    speed: 6.0 Gb/s type: SSD serial: <filter> rev: 1.08 scheme: GPT
  ID-2: /dev/sdb vendor: Western Digital model: WD20EFRX-68EUZN0
    size: 1.82 TiB speed: 6.0 Gb/s type: HDD rpm: 5400 serial: <filter>
    rev: 0A82 scheme: GPT
  ID-1: / size: 58.81 GiB used: 20.24 GiB (34.4%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
  ID-2: /boot size: 548.9 MiB used: 63.3 MiB (11.5%) fs: vfat
    dev: /dev/sda1
  ID-3: /home size: 166.27 GiB used: 135.99 GiB (81.8%) fs: ext4
    dev: /dev/sda4
  ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 8 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) priority: -2
    dev: /dev/sda3
  System Temperatures: cpu: 39.8 C mobo: N/A gpu: nvidia temp: 52 C
  Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A gpu: nvidia fan: 9%
  Processes: 288 Uptime: 1h 22m wakeups: 2 Memory: 15.62 GiB
  used: 2.76 GiB (17.7%) Init: systemd v: 250 Compilers: gcc: 11.1.0
  clang: 13.0.1 Packages: pacman: 1126 Shell: Bash v: 5.1.16
  running-in: konsole inxi: 3.3.12
conky.config = { 
-- Graphics settings #
    draw_shades = false,
    draw_outline = false,
    draw_borders = false,
    draw_graph_borders = false,

-- Conky settings #
    background = true,
    update_interval = 2,
    cpu_avg_samples = 2,
    net_avg_samples = 2,
    override_utf8_locale = true,
    double_buffer = true,
    no_buffers = true,
    text_buffer_size = 2048,
    format_human_readable = true,
    own_window_argb_visual = true,
    own_window_class = 'Conky',
    use_spacer = yes,

-- Window specifications #
    own_window = true,
    own_window_type = 'override',
    own_window_transparent = true,
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',
    own_window_argb_value = 0,
    own_window_colour = black,
    minimum_width = 350,
    minimum_height = 600,
    maximum_width = 350,
    alignment = 'top_right',
    gap_x = 5,
    gap_y = 5,

-- Text settings #
    use_xft = true,
    override_utf8_locale = true,
    font = 'Ubuntu:size=8',
    xftalpha = 0.8,
    uppercase = false,
    temperature_unit = 'celsius',
    default_color = '#FFFFFF',
    color1 = '#31F1A7', -- Manjaro Green
    color2 = '#FFFFFF', -- White
    color3 = '#F80D0D', -- Red
    default_shade_color = '#2d2d2d',

-- Lua script

-- ethernet interface template
    template1 = 'enp3s0',

-- wireless interface template
    template2 = 'wlp0s20f0u10',
conky.text = [[
##  Date
${voffset 10}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=12}${time %A}, ${time %B}$font
${voffset 10}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}Week number: ${time %V}$font
${voffset -50}${alignr}${color1}${font Ubuntu:size=40}${time %e}$font${color}${voffset 4}
##  OS, Kernel, Uptime
${color1}${font ConkyColors:size=14}a${font}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}\
${color1}Kernel: ${color2}${kernel}-${machine}       ( ${color2}${execi 10000 awk -F= '/TION/ \
{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release |sed 's/"//g'} ${execi 10000 awk -F= '/EASE=/ \
{printf $2" "} /NAME/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release})
${voffset 5}#$alignc${execi 86400 whoami}@${nodename}
${color1}Uptime: ${color2}${uptime_short}${color1}     Updates: ${color2}${execi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l} packages  | ${color1}  AUR: ${color2}${execi 10800 yay -Qu --aur | wc -l} packages
##  CPU Data
${color1}${font ConkyColors:size=14}d${font}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}\
${voffset 5}${color1}CPU: ${color2}$cpu %${alignc}${color1}MB: ${color} ${execi 30 sensors | grep temp2 | cut -c16-21}C${alignr}${color1}TEMP: ${color}${hwmon temp 1} °C
$alignc${freq 1}MHz  ${freq 2}MHz  ${freq 3}MHz  ${freq 4}MHz  ${freq 5}MHz  ${freq 6}MHz
$alignc${freq 7}MHz  ${freq 8}MHz  ${freq 9}MHz  ${freq 10}MHz  ${freq 11}MHz  ${freq 12}MHz
${color1}1: ${color2}${cpubar cpu1 5,150}    ${color1}7:    ${color2}${cpubar cpu7 5,150}
${color1}2: ${color2}${cpubar cpu2 5,150}    ${color1}8:    ${color2}${cpubar cpu8 5,150}
${color1}3: ${color2}${cpubar cpu3 5,150}    ${color1}9:    ${color2}${cpubar cpu9 5,150}
${color1}4: ${color2}${cpubar cpu4 5,150}    ${color1}10: ${color2}${cpubar cpu10 5,150}
${color1}5: ${color2}${cpubar cpu5 5,150}    ${color1}11: ${color2}${cpubar cpu11 5,150}
${color1}6: ${color2}${cpubar cpu6 5,150}    ${color1}12: ${color2}${cpubar cpu12 5,150}
# Top 5
${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1} %
${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2} %
${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3} %
${top name 4}$alignr${top cpu 4} %
${top name 5}$alignr${top cpu 5} %
##  RAM and Swap Data
${color1}${font ConkyColors:size=14}g${font}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}\
${voffset 5}${color1}RAM: ${color2}$color2$mem/$memmax$color${color1}${alignr 2}SWAP: ${color2}$alignr$color2$swap/$swapmax$color
${memgraph 30,250 31F1A7 F80D0D -t -l}
# Top 5
${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem mem_res 1}
${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem mem_res 2}
${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem mem_res 3}
${top_mem name 4}$alignr${top_mem mem_res 4}
${top_mem name 5}$alignr${top_mem mem_res 5}
##  Storage
${color1}${font ConkyColors:size=14}i${font}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}\
${voffset 10}${color3}Root$alignr$color2${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}$color
${fs_bar 5,250 /}
${color1}R/W: $color2${diskio_read sda2}${goto 125}/${alignr}\
${diskio_write sda2}$color

${color1}Home:$alignr$color2${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}$color
${fs_bar 5,250 /home}
${color1}R/W: ${color2}${diskio_read sda4}${goto 125}/${alignr}${diskio_write sda4}\

${color1}GPU Temp: ${color2}${execi 30 nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits} C
##  Network Status
${color1}${font ConkyColors:size=14}k${font}${alignc}${color1}TEMP: ${color}${execi 30 sensors | grep temp1 | cut -c16-21 | head -n1
} °C
### Ethernet interface in template1 is up
${voffset -5}${if_existing /proc/net/route ${template1}}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=8}${color1}LAN${goto 40}ip${color} ${alignr}${addr ${template1}}
${goto 40}speed up${alignr}${upspeedf ${template1}}KiB
${goto 40}speed down${alignr}${downspeedf ${template1}}KiB
${goto 40}total up${alignr}${totalup ${template1}}
${goto 40}total down${alignr}${totaldown ${template1}}
# Wireless - Show only if driver is up running
#${if_up wlp2s0}\
#${color1}Wi-Fi:  $color2 Down $color2${downspeedf wlp2s0} KiB${alignr}\
#${upspeedf wlp2s0}KiB$color Up
# ${color1}Signal: ${color2}${wireless_link_bar 5,000 wlp2s0}
##  Network Ports
${voffset 10}${goto 5}${color1}Open ports: ${color2}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
${voffset 10}${color1}URL${alignr}PORT${color2}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  0}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  0}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  1}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  1}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  2}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  2}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  3}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  3}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  4}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  4}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  5}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  5}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  6}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  6}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  7}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  7}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  8}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  8}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  9}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  9}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  10}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  10}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  11}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  11}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  12}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  12}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  13}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  13}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  14}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  14}
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  15}$alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  15}

##  Things I Keep Forgetting
##  Conky info:
##   - Settings:
##   - Variables:
##   - Variables example:
##  \ -> Line break without affecting variables
##  If causes is shitty on conky configuration!!! Avoid if possible!!!

If you want to report a crash, please try again with gdb.

# Start 'conky'
$ gdb conky

# Run 'conky' with a config.
(gdb) run -c ~/.your_conky.conf

# Wait for a crash to occur, then run this.
(gdb) bt full

[w@home-desktop ~]$ gdb conky GNU gdb (GDB) 11.2 Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu". Type "show configuration" for configuration details. For bug reporting instructions, please see: Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help". Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"... Reading symbols from conky... (No debugging symbols found in conky)

(gdb) run -c ~/.config/conky/conky.conf Starting program: /usr/bin/conky -c ~/.config/conky/conky.conf [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/". conky: desktop window (1e0000e) is subwindow of root window (1d1) conky: window type - override conky: drawing to created window (0x4000002) conky: drawing to double buffer [Detaching after fork from child process 6322] conky: forked to background, pid is 6322 [Inferior 1 (process 6316) exited normally]

(gdb) bt full No stack. (gdb)

# Backtrace.

We want that backtrace inside gdb triple backticks.

$ gdb conky
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.2
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

After last Arch update that happened for me on 2022-02-09 I cant start conky anymore, I got:

Process 1408 (conky) of user 1000 dumped core.

                                                     Module with build-id c383727bad7b2b0dc9d2be991ee2f300d229360a
                                                     Module with build-id 845483dd0acba86de9f0313102bebbaf3ce52767
                                                     Module with build-id ca0cae30a809f10db1f16e54a23b4e5ff7b2c54c
                                                     Module with build-id ad0a6c1af8f219b4e314090b6e8847223d424cbe
                                                     Module with build-id 649d3ddab8764d7caf73648004a35cb13e23a5e1
                                                     Module with build-id e568dc3d434723c72d6d302eb0b2559f27e91faa
                                                     Module with build-id 28ed815b8b1d322e6bf2bfdce4b0af2789b74335
                                                     Module with build-id bd949a4794ad959019499c6afcb8f416dcff9810
                                                     Module with build-id 47761dc11e553f519cde97ed9ee985be12ccdae2
                                                     Module with build-id e1dcc2a88cfaafed882d09c90c668af0eed4efed
                                                     Module with build-id a4ba3f4b4571c8272343b621da812a6e24a202a7
                                                     Module with build-id c915c72668282861a813f7ea3c0780f37b681dc0
                                                     Module with build-id ac405ddd17be10ce538da3211415ee50c8f8df79
                                                     Module with build-id adf65240a4d2aba772d7a0772b4d015469934113
                                                     Module with build-id 1481d614a1c3e3692b1673e8ad35ba41fbea3658
                                                     Module with build-id eb8220b8f36675aac769450be4cb6bb7f97ec38a
                                                     Module with build-id 72d26767c5cb1097db75a5f5bff88860233c902b
                                                     Module with build-id 015ac6d6bcb60b7d8bea31a80d1941b06e8636ab
                                                     Module with build-id 6acff139d56b5139ce5eb50a66c62b215e1d332d
                                                     Module with build-id 72d5531e74ed3e9afe49e95e449c40cb8984a258
                                                     Module with build-id 82524ee3d1c4c2244d7cfdcc1e6eea5f9855f6c6
                                                     Module with build-id 8006a225ec61b8231d0b003aebab9920ac0b9179
                                                     Module with build-id 2dc0bce07f199bf983c07a05fb95a6f4af83a9b3
                                                     Module with build-id 919597c477c9b2cb9cdbb7745ed6494ac0e6da60
                                                     Module with build-id c3b8b6921f5b323540b84acd301ccc7bc5bc0428
                                                     Module with build-id 8ca0792d23c8b8b4c0864297512349292bea5955
                                                     Module with build-id 1c67764663e07bec24d8951e5fd93f4d165979ff
                                                     Module with build-id 2e245c2bf12f95fd8ab79b3a4be99524677cbd70
                                                     Module with build-id 0c1459c56513efd5d53eb3868290e9afee6a6a26
                                                     Module with build-id 45defc036e918e0140a72f1fbce6e7692d38241d
                                                     Module with build-id e6e098ad51ce7bdd3dbe902d7b0f69a90f8a9e08
                                                     Module with build-id 4c926b672d97886b123e03a008387aecf0786de4
                                                     Module with build-id 1024424ab33a3767da03f4fdb1fc1b02479f160f
                                                     Module with build-id 0229a201aaf5652186c9fdc192ebe52baf19d7f1
                                                     Module with build-id a4adfe44cc7ebd295b3b783361acc3dcfcea1d50
                                                     Module with build-id 1ce2b50ad9f9821c2c629b521cf5a3c99593d332
                                                     Module with build-id eca975f5266a67fc4895065727647e98ff99a128
                                                     Module with build-id 74f2ab9c60512f3a93c932c3f627564d42e0b11e
                                                     Module with build-id a2e110b7a0b3bb46e42515afd55a61d78185835b
                                                     Module with build-id db45f5d5e0f7af1e77324fea1885f974619ad268
                                                     Module with build-id eb6dae97527fc89dbb0d5bb581a15acd02ae9f56
                                                     Module with build-id e63600ab23b2f6997f42fac2fa56e1f02ce159a1
                                                     Module with build-id 72f3511cba7db578f6a2647925f35664da6c838b
                                                     Module with build-id 8b615460aa230708c5183f16bede67aa0437d95e
                                                     Module with build-id 75484da2d6f1515189eefa076e0a40328834cd16
                                                     Module with build-id fb797f299a446f559a95afcc168227482cc800d1
                                                     Module with build-id 0db4f94d8ae31b8dc9a83f825a9171656f1e532c
                                                     Module with build-id 97e0b9ab6ba96ebc86527cc2b3c3078aad8616b3
                                                     Module with build-id 26c5f833068ff72660d1975cbc2074c3eb47fad8
                                                     Module with build-id 9fdeb38479c4090d673efc2e8cb60176efe65da1
                                                     Module with build-id 5abc547e7b0949f89f3c0e21ab0c8331a7440a8a
                                                     Module with build-id 0d1ef11740a5daad2ee331e812a51aa6574af222
                                                     Module with build-id 040cc3dd10461562f177df39e3be2f3704258c3c
                                                     Module with build-id 4b406737057708c0e4c642345a703c47a61c73dc
                                                     Module with build-id 7f8508bb914546ada778809b64b99d234337d835
                                                     Module with build-id 9b5eeeb149bf3c4efe787fb398b44f00507aec87
                                                     Module with build-id dbb6adece34ea2766d3efcd628af8f9757344dd6
                                                     Module with build-id b710b880b0d4e9c93554fa632129db44c20632cd
                                                     Module with build-id d4dec3d9f8c789ec28d441f2a3f73d532809e6ef
                                                     Module with build-id 10bd0ce0cfbb9405cee189faa1830cf34cab61a8
                                                     Module with build-id a83a62063b8098eda274d25251d619f0503bf011
                                                     Module with build-id 7f52622e9c22c7ae3594c4255ba7d61965d34527
                                                     Module with build-id e15f1bc98ea1b038d514e7ed2089aeabecaeb5ca
                                                     Module with build-id 2b8fd1f869ecab4e0b55e92f2f151897f6818acf
                                                     Module with build-id 7bdd0ca9ab751d85d87f9f5cc170c7a7a9b7f08f
                                                     Module with build-id 21aed1dfa73fa7301e280e3a573cc2523a1f7ff2
                                                     Module with build-id 0a05c7e8714522bfbdd7c0027c3e2a94965664b0
                                                     Module with build-id a1d867e093c16944b2c0083be98050ef35c9e5c2
                                                     Module with build-id d70f24beb4fad748d6becffdcc13e51be0a2ebfa
                                                     Module with build-id 5ba5798d193c0065014b8c6252a0678671c8d478
                                                     Module with build-id d074dffd8532f6c869c4e06267755c800b963296
                                                     Module with build-id 1f873ddb2c32ab39d0b7d8646d03680ffe99de7c
                                                     Module with build-id 07c8f95b4f3251d08550217ad8a1f31066229996
                                                     Module conky with build-id 4cd8fc1e15adf7a3c1ecf21995eca8328b96ddbb
                                                     Stack trace of thread 1408:
                                                     #0  0x000055bc9da292dd n/a (conky + 0x222dd)
                                                     #1  0x000055bc9da2a986 n/a (conky + 0x23986)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da2c122 n/a (conky + 0x25122)
                                                     #3  0x000055bc9da2ca2c n/a (conky + 0x25a2c)
                                                     #4  0x000055bc9da3060c n/a (conky + 0x2960c)
                                                     #5  0x000055bc9da21792 main (conky + 0x1a792)
                                                     #6  0x00007f66726ecb25 __libc_start_main ( + 0x27b25)
                                                     #7  0x000055bc9da26aee n/a (conky + 0x1faee)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1411:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1410:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1416:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1417:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1423:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1421:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1412:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1419:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1409:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1426:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1429:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1414:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1427:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1430:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)

                                                     Stack trace of thread 1425:
                                                     #0  0x00007f66732458ca __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 ( + 0x158ca)
                                                     #1  0x00007f6673241ae8 __new_sem_wait_slow64.constprop.0 ( + 0x11ae8)
                                                     #2  0x000055bc9da67378 n/a (conky + 0x60378)
                                                     #3  0x00007f66729813c4 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xd33c4)
                                                     #4  0x00007f6673239259 start_thread ( + 0x9259)
                                                     #5  0x00007f66727c35e3 __clone ( + 0xfe5e3)
                                                     ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
░░ Subject: Process 1408 (conky) dumped core
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ Documentation: man:core(5)
░░ Process 1408 (conky) crashed and dumped core.
░░ This usually indicates a programming error in the crashing program and
szy132 commented 2 years ago

设置 use_xft = false 可以运行起来 但是字体没法生效了。

webcaptcha commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is working when use_xft = false excepts fonts How did you know it fonts?

webcaptcha commented 2 years ago

Dont know what of those packages were responsible but the issue was fixed

[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded mesa (21.3.5-1 -> 21.3.6-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded qt5-wayland (5.15.2+kde+r49-1 -> 5.15.2+kde+r52-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded bluedevil (1:5.24.0-1 -> 1:5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kdecoration (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded breeze (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded breeze-gtk (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded chromium (98.0.4758.80-1 -> 98.0.4758.102-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded drkonqi (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kactivitymanagerd (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kde-cli-tools (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kde-gtk-config (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:03:59+0200] [ALPM] upgraded libksysguard (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded ksystemstats (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded milou (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded layer-shell-qt (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kscreenlocker (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kwayland-server (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kwin (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-integration (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded libkscreen (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-workspace (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kdeplasma-addons (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded systemsettings (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kgamma5 (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded khotkeys (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:00+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kinfocenter (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kmenuedit (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kscreen (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded ksshaskpass (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kwallet-pam (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kwayland-integration (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded kwrited (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded lib32-nvidia-utils (510.47.03-1 -> 510.54-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded lib32-mesa (21.3.5-1 -> 21.3.6-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded libmpc (1.2.1-1 -> 1.2.1-2)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded libxnvctrl (510.47.03-1 -> 510.54-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded linux-firmware-whence (20220119.0c6a7b3-2 -> 20220209.6342082-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded linux-firmware (20220119.0c6a7b3-2 -> 20220209.6342082-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded nvidia (510.47.03-6 -> 510.54-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:01+0200] [ALPM] upgraded nvidia-settings (510.47.03-1 -> 510.54-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded opencl-mesa (21.3.5-1 -> 21.3.6-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded oxygen (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-browser-integration (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded polkit-kde-agent (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-desktop (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-nm (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-pa (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-sdk (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-vault (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-workspace-wallpapers (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded powerdevil (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded sddm-kcm (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
[2022-02-15T23:04:02+0200] [ALPM] upgraded xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.24.0-1 -> 5.24.1-1)
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 365 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment, or this issue will be closed in 30 days.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 30 days with no activity.