brndnmtthws / conky

Light-weight system monitor for X, Wayland (sort of), and other things, too
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Shortcut makes conky widget disappear!! #310

Closed BeyondLimitation closed 8 years ago

BeyondLimitation commented 8 years ago

conky 1.10.1 compiled Wed Jan 6 17:11:44 UTC 2016 for Linux 3.19.0-43-generic x86_64 Compiled in features:

System config file: /etc/conky/conky.conf Package library path: /usr/lib/conky


My System: Ubuntu Linux 16.04.1 LTS 4.4.0-34-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 27 16:06:39 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

My Issue:

When i press Alt+Tab and go to desktop, my widget has been disappeared!! I can't figure out how to solve this problem..

Any suggestion??

plikhari commented 8 years ago

Have you considered using other window_type - you have normal, desktop, dock, panel or override - Try normal or override and see how it goes.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I find, on conky 1.10.3~1 (from my distribution's repositories), that:

Since I want both those things - conky melded with the desktop, and conky to exclude icons, I am a bit unhappy! Perhaps I should get the latest version of conky from here; perhaps that will give me what I want.

Mint 18 x64 Cinnamon.

BeyondLimitation commented 8 years ago

@plikhari @ACinnamonUserInUK I solved the problem. I don't the specific reason, but found the solution.

Conky version 1.10 or higher uses new syntaxs, so i converted them. And last step isown_window_type must be located between own_window_transparent and own_window_hints!

Then ta da! I solved it! It works what i desire!! Yay!

ghost commented 8 years ago


Please clarify. Are you saying the following?

If, in Conky >=1.10, one wants to use own_window_type = desktop but also at the same time have Conky exclude icons, then own_window_type must be located somewhere (anywhere) between 'own_window_transparent' and 'own_window_hints'.

Well, I didn't have 'own_window_transparent' in my Conky, but I did have own_window_argb_visual, so I added 'own_window_transparent' in the position you suggested (and put own_window_argb_visual next to it) and . . it doesn't work. That is: icons can still be moved over the Conky.

plikhari commented 8 years ago

@ACinnamonUserInUK look at this then - these are comments and information I give in my config files for my users to figure it out. As you notice i do not use real transparency!!! Real transparency does not work well with override - which is what I need to get what you are looking for. This works on Arch XFCE4 + Compiz 0.8.4

    own_window = true,
-- change this if you are not getting any conky display
-- options are: normal, desktop, dock, panel or override (default: normal)
    own_window_type = 'override',

-- uncomment below hints line if not using override
-- own_window_hints below,sticky,undecorated,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

    own_window_transparent = true,
    own_window_class = 'Conky',

-- ARGB can be used for real transparency,
-- note that a composite manager is required for real transparency
-- own_window_argb_visual yes

-- Set the transparency alpha value from 0 to 255
-- own_window_argb_value 100
ghost commented 8 years ago


Well, thank for that. However: (1) I suspect we are not even trying to solve the same problem (see my previous post); (2) the config you have posted seems to contradict your own advice about the placing of own_window_type. Also (3) I believe that own_window_class = 'Conky', is redundant, because 'Conky' is the default value anyway.

I am on Mint Cinnamon, which has 'Mutter (Muffin)' as its window manager. On that setup, setting the window type to 'override' seems - whatever else I do - to make the Conky invisible.