:newspaper: GitHub Blog - Aplicação para visualização e interação com posts em um blog. Feito em React.JS com TypeScript e consumo da API do GitHub, além de utilizar principais hooks, tais como, useState, useEffect e useContext além de também utilizar os hooks useCallback e useMemo para melhora de performance na renderização dos componentes.
I tried to try the automerge with Next.js, but I didn't succeed because of this error: The generated code contains 'async/await' because this module is using "asyncWebAssembly". This did not help:
While some WASM libs produce the same error, I suppose WASM should work because I'm using https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite-wasm/ with Next.js without issues. Next.js is the most used React framework, so incompatibility with Next.js prevents broader usage. I'm opening this issue not as a complaint but to have common ground to investigate why automerge with Next.js isn't working.
I tried to try the automerge with Next.js, but I didn't succeed because of this error: The generated code contains 'async/await' because this module is using "asyncWebAssembly". This did not help:
config.experiments = { layers: true, asyncWebAssembly: true, };
While some WASM libs produce the same error, I suppose WASM should work because I'm using https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite-wasm/ with Next.js without issues. Next.js is the most used React framework, so incompatibility with Next.js prevents broader usage. I'm opening this issue not as a complaint but to have common ground to investigate why automerge with Next.js isn't working.