As a user, I would like to authenticate prior to seeing anything important printed on the page.
WHEN I navigate to the site I should see the navbar and auth prompt only
WHEN I authenticate I want to view the logout button on the navbar
AND The application information once those components are created
Dev Notes
Create a new firebase project
Enable google authentication
Initialize firebase in the following directory src/helpers/data/connection.js
Create a file called authData.js in the following directory src/helpers/data
In the above file you will need to create a function that will get the user uid and export the function
Create an Auth component with a login button, export the component and import into the App.js file
Create a navbar in a separate component and export, import to the App.js file - when logged in you should only see a brand and a logout button. When you are logged out you should only see the brand and an option to authenticate and login. You will need to pass the "authed" as props to the navbar component. The navbar should always be rendered in App.js
Add a conditional in the navbar component to show and not show the logout button
Add logout function into the navbar component to log the user out when logout button is clicked
Clicking the logout button should log you out and return you to the auth screen.
User Story
As a user, I would like to authenticate prior to seeing anything important printed on the page.
WHEN I navigate to the site I should see the navbar and auth prompt only WHEN I authenticate I want to view the logout button on the navbar AND The application information once those components are created
Dev Notes
in the following directorysrc/helpers/data