Closed broach44 closed 4 years ago
"user1": {
"uid": "123456",
"firsName": "Bat",
"lastName": "Man",
"city": "Gotham",
"state": "Cave",
"userEntry1": {
"uid": "123456",
"dateOfVisit": "1/1/2011",
"shopId": "shop1",
"drinksConsumed": "Black Coffee",
"foodConsumed": "Everything Bagel and Cream Cheese",
"purposeOfVisit": "Here to grab a quick study minute",
"wifiRating": 5,
"drinkRating": 5,
"foodRating": 5,
"pricingRating": 5,
"techRating": 5,
"environmentRating": 5,
"wouldRecommend": true,
"comments": "noise level was appropriate and not too distracting",
"shop1": {
"name": "Hot Brown Morning Potion",
"address": "555 wakemeup blvd",
"city": "Gotham",
"state": "Some Special State",
"zip": "55555"
"item1": {
"shopId": "shop1",
"size": "large",
"name": "coffee, black",
"price": "2.50"
User Story
As a developer, I need some data to test the functionality of the application
WHEN I view the firebase project THEN I should see some data for each collection
Dev Notes