Open mano2991 opened 3 months ago
As mentioned in the config file, where can I download the reference genome for mm10? I have seen similar posts asked by multiple people, and they are still open. Can anyone help or guide us on the steps to get these files?
chrom_sizes: "reference/hg38/GRCh38_EBV.no_alt.chrom.sizes.tsv" regions_blocklist: "reference/hg38/GRCh38_unified_blacklist.bed" ubiquitous_genes: "reference/UbiquitouslyExpressedGenes.txt" genes: "reference/hg38/CollapsedGeneBounds.hg38.bed" genome_tss: "reference/hg38/CollapsedGeneBounds.hg38.TSS500bp.bed" qnorm: "reference/EnhancersQNormRef.K562.txt" abc_thresholds: "reference/abc_thresholds.tsv"
As mentioned in the config file, where can I download the reference genome for mm10? I have seen similar posts asked by multiple people, and they are still open. Can anyone help or guide us on the steps to get these files?