broadinstitute / ABC-Enhancer-Gene-Prediction

Cell type specific enhancer-gene predictions using ABC model (Fulco, Nasser et al, Nature Genetics 2019)
MIT License
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what's the preferred setting when mean associated enhancers is lower than 2 ? #29

Open lmangnier opened 3 years ago

lmangnier commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

I ran your code on my own Hi-C data for 3 cell lines (Neural progenitors cell lines, Derived Neurons and Astrocyte glials) using the methodology you describe, but I find a average number of associated distal enhancers per genes lower than 2 (about 1.80 for my 3 cell lines). You mentioned in one of the last section of your github, some adjustments can be done, quantile normalization or modify the ABC-Score threshold. I used default settings of you code, KR normalization on 10 Kb resolution, however when I VC normalize my data I obtain a average number of distal enhancer in the required range of values. I would like to know what is the preferred setting to adjust? Do quantile normalization, decrease the threshold, use a particular normalization ?



thouis commented 3 years ago

@jnasser3 - do you have an answer for this?