broadinstitute / cellpainting-gallery

Cell Painting Gallery
MIT License
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2022_08_17_SeedSeq (cpg0018) #18

Closed shntnu closed 12 months ago

shntnu commented 2 years ago

Segmentation/ Feature extraction has already been performed Profile creation has already been performed Data can be public in RODA Immediately

Update as generated:
[Link to profile repo]
[Link to publication repo]

Transfer to CellPainting Gallery:

If data is being published, prepare for publication:

Once published:

bethac07 commented 2 years ago

Airtable Profiling Experiment tag (and links to other data) is TA RNAi.

The paper only has per-well mean profiles, do we think there is a chance that the raw analysis files and/or backends live anywhere? If so, "In the imaging-platform bucket in the TA folder" is not their location.

shntnu commented 2 years ago

The paper only has per-well mean profiles, do we think there is a chance that the raw analysis files and/or backends live anywhere?

This was the MySQL / BatchProfiler era, so nope :)

For our reference, this is the project wiki: (no action needed)

bethac07 commented 2 years ago

Oh, I bet I know where they are - I bet they are in s3://imaging-platform-cold/imgdb/imgdb02/2011_07_13_TargetAccelerator-backup.gz

shntnu commented 2 years ago

Oh, I bet I know where they are - I bet they are in s3://imaging-platform-cold/imgdb/imgdb02/2011_07_13_TargetAccelerator-backup.gz

Those will be SQL dumps though

bethac07 commented 2 years ago

Those will be SQL dumps though

Yup, but if we want to associate the analysis files, do we have another option for how to get them? I naively assumed we would only want things in the gallery with single-cell analysis (or at least non-normalized per-well analysis), but maybe not?

shntnu commented 2 years ago

Yup, but if we want to associate the analysis files, do we have another option for how to get them? I naively assumed we would only want things in the gallery with single-cell analysis (or at least non-normalized per-well analysis), but maybe not?

Good point. I think we put it in regardless because it will still be useful for the community and, at minimum, will be an incentive to someday get the rest of the (single cell) data.


bdiazroh commented 2 years ago

The images are ready to transfer from the imaging-platform bucket, but it seems I don't have permissions to to the transfer, I asked Erin to initiate the transfer with her credentials but she also does't have the permissions. Once Shantanu gives either one of us the permissions we can upload data to RODA. And the other thing is the descriptor of the data set. Is it cpg0018-RNAi? or cpg0018_RNAi-cellpainting?

shntnu commented 1 year ago

We are all set to proceed with the transfer.

@bdiazroh this might still need Beth or Erin to do the transfer. I will discuss in Slack

For my notes: this is in

The descriptor is cpg0018-singh-seedseq

@bdiazroh we maintain a full listing of public and currently embargoed dataset identifiers here

bethac07 commented 1 year ago

So to be clear, the final path should be (under the bucket) cpg0018-singh-seedseq/broad/images/some_batch_name/images/, with then the folders, right? Any requests for the batch name @shntnu? I can initiate a transfer to that location once confirmed.

shntnu commented 1 year ago

So to be clear, the final path should be (under the bucket) cpg0018-singh-seedseq/broad/images/some_batch_name/images/, with then the folders, right?

Correct - thanks for double-checking

Any requests for the batch name @shntnu? I can initiate a transfer to that location once confirmed.

I could not find the creation date, so I'd go with something anodyne: batch1

bethac07 commented 1 year ago

@bdiazroh had already nicely organized everything with a batch name of Batch1, so that's how we go :)

Due to permissions disparities, this is going to be a two step sync, but step 1 is underway!

bethac07 commented 1 year ago

Sync 1 is done, and currently deleting from source 1. Sync 2 seems to have permissions issues on the cellpainting-gallery end, discussing in linked Slack discussion

bethac07 commented 1 year ago

Sync 2 done!
