broadinstitute / cromwell

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java.lang.Exception: Unauthorized to get docker hash #6674

Open aedavids opened 2 years ago

aedavids commented 2 years ago

I am trying to test my wdl and docker image on my local computer before publishing

[2022-02-09 11:16:10,66] [warn] BackendPreparationActor_for_35c8738b:deseq_one_vs_all.one_vs_all:-1:1 [35c8738b]: Docker lookup failed
java.lang.Exception: Unauthorized to get docker hash aedavids/test-1vs-all-2:latest
          at cromwell.engine.workflow.WorkflowDockerLookupActor.cromwell$engine$workflow$WorkflowDockerLookupActor$$handleLookupFailure(WorkflowDockerLookupActor.scala:222)

using docker image I see that my image exists. I am able to start the container using docker run. I also tried using the sha instead of the tag name. same error

I run Cromwell as follows

$  java -jar ${WDL_TOOLS}/cromwell-74.jar run --inputs ../1vsAllTask.wdl.inputs.json ../1vsAllTask.wdl
$ cat ../1vsAllTask.wdl.inputs.json 
stuff deleted
  "deseq_one_vs_all.one_vs_all.dockerImg": "aedavids/test-1vs-all-2"
$ docker images |grep aedavids
aedavids/test-1vs-all-2   latest     0d33407a54e3        19 hours ago        6.28GB

Any idea what my issue might be?


fyi is a bad URL

I not have access to Jira on

aedavids commented 2 years ago

really weird. It looks like cromwell is able to run my docker container based on output and log files. It seems like I can ignore the error. seem like a bug to me. I spend a couple of hours trying convince my self it was working

kevin-furant commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?

AndySantaCruzAnalytics commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?

I think it might be a bogus warning? My container seems to run correctly

kevin-furant commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?

I think it might be a bogus warning? My container seems to run correctly

Since I was using a Singularity image file, I couldn't get a Docker-hash, which resulted in call-cache not working. This is the key issue. Isn't the main reason we use server mode for call-cache

sulsj commented 1 year ago

@kevin-furant Have you found any solution for the issue? We are experiencing the same issue with shifter and singularity with private docker images.