broadinstitute / ichorCNA

Estimating tumor fraction in cell-free DNA from ultra-low-pass whole genome sequencing.
GNU General Public License v3.0
160 stars 87 forks source link

Error in rho[, 1] : subscript out of bounds #59

Closed Dries-B closed 4 years ago

Dries-B commented 5 years ago


Running the following code:


Rscript ../runIchorCNA.R --id S21 \

        --WIG results/readDepth/S21.bin50000.wig \

        --ploidy "c(2,3)" \

        --normal "c(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)" \

        --maxCN 5 \

        --gcWig $ichorCNArepo/inst/extdata/gc_hg19_50kb.wig \

  --mapWig $ichorCNArepo/inst/extdata/map_hg19_50kb.wig \

  --centromere $ichorCNArepo/inst/extdata/GRCh37.p13_centromere_UCSC-gapTable.txt \

  --normalPanel $ichorCNArepo/inst/extdata/HD_ULP_PoN_1Mb_median_normAutosome_mapScoreFiltered_median.rds \

  --includeHOMD False \

  --chrs "c(1:22, \"X\")" \

  --chrTrain "c(1:22)" \

  --estimateNormal True \

  --estimatePloidy True \

  --estimateScPrevalence True \

  --scStates "c(1,3)" \

  --txnE 0.9999 \

  --txnStrength 10000 \

  --outDir results/ichorCNA

Resulted in the following error:

Sorting by decreasing chromosome size
Correcting Tumour
Removed 1495 bins near centromeres.
Applying filter on data...
Correcting for GC bias...
Correcting for mappability bias...
Filtering low uniqueness regions with mappability score < 0.75
Removed 65 bins near centromeres.
Determining gender...Gender
Outputting to: results/ichorCNA/S21/S21.correctedDepth.txt
Warning messages:
1: In dir.create(paste0(outDir, "/", id, "/"), recursive = TRUE) :
  'results/ichorCNA/S21/S21' already exists
2: In regularize.values(x, y, ties, missing(ties)) :
  collapsing to unique 'x' values
runEM: Initialization
runEM iter1: Expectation
runEM iter1: Maximization

Error in rho[, 1] : subscript out of bounds

Calls: HMMsegment -> runEM -> estimateParamsMap
No traceback available
Total ULP-WGS HMM Runtime: 0.012 min.
Error in results[[ind[i]]] : subscript out of bounds
8: fn(par, ...)
7: (function (par)
   fn(par, ...))(0.5)
6: optim(n_prev, fn = completeLikelihoodFun, pType = rep("n", S),
       n = n_prev, sp = sp_prev, phi = phi_prev, lambda = lambda_prev,
       piG = pi_hat, A = A_hat, params = params, D = D, rho = rho,
       Zcounts = Zcounts, estimateNormal = estimateNormal, estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy,
       estimatePrecision = estimatePrecision, estimateInitDist = estimateInitDist,
       estimateTransition = estimateTransition, estimateSubclone = estimateSubclone,
       method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = intervalNormal[1], upper = intervalNormal[2],
       control = list(trace = 0, fnscale = -1))
5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"))
4: suppressWarnings(estNorm <- optim(n_prev, fn = completeLikelihoodFun,
       pType = rep("n", S), n = n_prev, sp = sp_prev, phi = phi_prev,
       lambda = lambda_prev, piG = pi_hat, A = A_hat, params = params,
       D = D, rho = rho, Zcounts = Zcounts, estimateNormal = estimateNormal,
       estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy, estimatePrecision = estimatePrecision,
       estimateInitDist = estimateInitDist, estimateTransition = estimateTransition,
       estimateSubclone = estimateSubclone, method = "L-BFGS-B",
       lower = intervalNormal[1], upper = intervalNormal[2], control = list(trace = 0,
           fnscale = -1)))
3: estimateParamsMap(copy[chrTrain, ], n[, i - 1], sp[, i - 1],
       phi[, i - 1], lambdas[, , i - 1], piG[, i - 1], A, param,
       rho[, chrTrain], Zcounts, estimateNormal = estimateNormal,
       estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy, estimatePrecision = estimatePrecision,
       estimateTransition = estimateTransition, estimateInitDist = estimateInitDist,
       estimateSubclone = estimateSubclone)
2: runEM(dataMat, chr, chrInd, param, maxiter, verbose, estimateNormal = estimateNormal,
       estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy, estimateSubclone = estimateSubclone,
       estimatePrecision = estimatePrecision, estimateTransition = estimateTransition,
       estimateInitDist = estimateInitDist)
1: HMMsegment(tumour_copy, valid, dataType = "copy", param = param,
       chrTrain = chrTrain, maxiter = 50, estimateNormal = estimateNormal,
       estimatePloidy = estimatePloidy, estimateSubclone = estimateScPrevalence,
       verbose = TRUE)
Error in results[[ind[1]]] : subscript out of bounds
No traceback available
Error in hmmResults.cor$results$loglik <- :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in hmmResults.cor$results$gender <- gender$gender :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in hmmResults.cor$results$chrYCov <- gender$chrYCovRatio :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in hmmResults.cor$results$chrXMedian <- gender$chrXMedian :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in hmmResults.cor$results$coverage <- coverage :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in outputHMM(cna = hmmResults.cor$cna, segs = hmmResults.cor$results$segs,  :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
No traceback available
Error in outputParametersToFile(hmmResults.cor, file = outFile) :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
1: outputHMM(cna = hmmResults.cor$cna, segs = hmmResults.cor$results$segs,
       results = hmmResults.cor$results, patientID = patientID,
       outDir = outDir)
Error in plotSolutions(hmmResults.cor, tumour_copy, chrs, outDir, numSamples = numSamples,  :
  object 'hmmResults.cor' not found
1: outputParametersToFile(hmmResults.cor, file = outFile)

This excludes earlier slurping and parsing, and includes traceback() information.

The same error occurs for 30 different samples when run through Snakemake. It does not occur for the test sample MBC_315. The latter shows that the software seems to work correctly.

Do you know what could be causing this? Just like in #39, it occurs during optimization, but in all 30 samples.

Dries-B commented 5 years ago

Some updates on my trouble-shooting:

  1. The WIG file S21.bin50000.wig looks normal compared to the test sample MBC_315.

  2. In runIchorCNA_debug.log I share extra debugging information, such as the variables at time of error.

gavinha commented 5 years ago

Hi @Dries-B

Are you able to share one of the .RData files so that I can debug it for you? If so, please send me an email at

Thanks, Gavin

Dries-B commented 5 years ago

Hi Gavin,

Thank you for your reply! I shared a file with you, which should enable you to replicate the error.

By the way, one of my colleagues suggested that the error might arise because of some bins having log(2) ratios which are outliers. What do you think about that?

Cheers, Dries

gavinha commented 5 years ago

Hi @Dries-B

Please try running again but removing this argument --normalPanel $ichorCNArepo/inst/extdata/HD_ULP_PoN_1Mb_median_normAutosome_mapScoreFiltered_median.rds


Dries-B commented 4 years ago

Hi Gavin,

Indeed, I had overlooked the 1Mb in that filename. The script now ran without errors.

Thank you for your help!