broadinstitute / ichorCNA

Estimating tumor fraction in cell-free DNA from ultra-low-pass whole genome sequencing.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I have got an error while running an example code #84

Open chantisakee opened 3 years ago

chantisakee commented 3 years ago

Since I am a newbie in R and I did run ichorCNA via runIchorCNA.r which provided in ichorCNA/scripts/ dir. and got this error. What should I do?

Thank you in advance.

Error in download.file(url, destfile, quiet = TRUE) : cannot open URL '' Calls: getSeqInfo ... fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC -> FUN -> fetch_ChromInfo_from_UCSC -> download.file In addition: Warning messages: 1: In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19’ 2: In download.file(url, destfile, quiet = TRUE) : URL '': status was 'Couldn't resolve host name' Execution halted

chantisakee commented 3 years ago

Actually it's my fault there is "proxy" problem. so I would like to know whether I just download this chromInfo.txt and put in somewhere without downloading everytime i run this analysis?


abcoxyzide commented 2 years ago

I installed ichorCNA using conda, and had the same problem. It appears that it's due to getSeqInfo() trying to load / download chromosome information.

It is possible to pre-fetch the seqinfo object, but you also need to modify runIchorCNA.R to load the object.

micknudsen commented 2 years ago

I had the same problem, and it went away after installing the BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 package. I think what it does is simply downloading all the stuff needing (including chromInfo.txt.gz) and placing it inside the conda environment. That way, I didn't have to modify the runIchrCNA.R script.

anjalisa commented 2 years ago

Hello everybody,

I run into the same issue that is already reported.... I try to use ichorCNA (current version; loaded via a singularity container >> ubuntu-based, then R installed, then ichorCNA installed) on our LSF cluster, but frequently receive this error message

Error in download.file(url, destfile, quiet = TRUE) : cannot open URL '' Calls: getSeqInfo ... -> fetch_table_from_UCSC -> fetch_table_from_url

I installed BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 , as well as BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, as proposed by micknudsen, but without any success. Could someone help me out with this issue. That would be great!

taoziyu97 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I had the same problem when submitting the script to the cluster queue. Because the queue cannot be connected to the network. So I tried this way and that worked.

  1. Run the code with self-defined parameters locally. Such as the hg38 and UCSC.
genomeBuild = "hg38"
genomeStyle = "UCSC"
bsg <- paste0("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.", genomeBuild)
  if (!require(bsg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE)) {
    seqinfo <- Seqinfo(genome=genomeBuild)
  } else {
    seqinfo <- seqinfo(get(bsg))
seqlevelsStyle(seqinfo) <- genomeStyle
seqinfo <- keepSeqlevels(seqinfo, value = paste0("chr",c(1:22,"X")))

Then save the output. For example:

saveRDS(seqinfo, file = "/home/seqinfo_hg38_ucsc.rds")
  1. Edit the code of ichorCNA/scripts/runIchorCNA.R

The line included getSeqInfo be commented out and added code as follow:

# seqinfo <- getSeqInfo(genomeBuild, genomeStyle)
if (genomeBuild == "hg19" &  genomeStyle == "UCSC") {
  seqinfo <- readRDS("/home/seqinfo_hg19_ucsc.rds")
if (genomeBuild == "hg38" &  genomeStyle == "UCSC") {
  seqinfo <- readRDS("/home/seqinfo_hg38_ucsc.rds")

I attached the hg18 and hg19 UCSC files here.


anjalisa commented 1 year ago

True, that's a good solution !

Salaheddinekacimi commented 1 year ago

It worked thank you

Kodemannen commented 1 year ago

The solution mentioned here didn't work for me any longer.

What did work was installing the Bsgenome package from Anaconda. See:

SigAusf commented 8 months ago

This happened again and I solved with installing new version of GenomeInfoDb R package. The cause of the problem was the goldenpath url ''. In the new version of GenomeInfoDb package (v1.39.6), url was changed into ''.

You can install that version of package from: Use this command in R devtools::install_github(repo="Bioconductor/GenomeInfoDb")