broadinstitute / infercnv

Inferring CNV from Single-Cell RNA-Seq
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non-numeric argument to binary operator #546

Open WangJingwen21 opened 1 year ago

WangJingwen21 commented 1 year ago

My codes: cnv.obj <- run(cnv.obj, cutoff = 0.1, denoise = T, HMM = T, cluster_by_groups = T,


             out_dir = direach,
             save_rds = T,
             save_final_rds = T
             # output_format = "pdf", 
             # no_prelim_plot = T,
             # no_plot = T

) My error: INFO [2023-05-23 02:03:29] Quantiles of plotted data range: 0.909023776575503,1.0006271306098,1.0006271306098,1.0006271306098,1.0909762234245 INFO [2023-05-23 02:03:31] plot_cnv_references:Start INFO [2023-05-23 02:03:31] Reference data size: Cells= 3355 Genes= 8525 INFO [2023-05-23 02:04:12] plot_cnv_references:Number reference groups= 5 INFO [2023-05-23 02:04:12] plot_cnv_references:Plotting heatmap. INFO [2023-05-23 02:04:19] Colors for breaks: #00008B,#24249B,#4848AB,#6D6DBC,#9191CC,#B6B6DD,#DADAEE,#FFFFFF,#EEDADA,#DDB6B6,#CC9191,#BC6D6D,#AB4848,#9B2424,#8B0000 INFO [2023-05-23 02:04:19] Quantiles of plotted data range: 0.909023776575503,1.0006271306098,1.0006271306098,1.0006271306098,1.0909762234245 Error in out.index + 1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator In addition: There were 22 warnings (use warnings() to see them) Execution halted

GeorgescuC commented 1 year ago

Hi @WangJingwen21 ,

How is the output directory direach defined? There is no "out.index" in the infercnv code itself, so I am unsure of where the error would be happening.

Regards, Christophe.