broadinstitute / infercnv

Inferring CNV from Single-Cell RNA-Seq
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CNVs in the reference cells #663

Open NaCo-Pt opened 4 months ago

NaCo-Pt commented 4 months ago

first thank you for this amazing tool. Second, I have very basic knoledge of coding so bear with me


I have used 2 cell types as references, CAFs and immune cells. Wihtin immune cells I can clearly see in the HM some cells with a CNV profile resembilg the tumor cells (observations bellow). Does this mena I have some cells that were wrongly clustered with immune cells and could actually be tumor cells, or some doublets inside my immune cell cluster? How can I identify which cells are those so when I go back to my seurat object I can isolate those cells and maybe exclude them from the analysis?

Another question, I have some cluster with a very reduced cell number and I cant visualize it well, like tje epithelial_cells. How cna I partioned my inferCNV heatmap to see just some clusters on the observation cells?

kind regards