broadinstitute / ssGSEA2.0

Single sample Gene Set Enrichment analysis (ssGSEA) and PTM Enrichment Analysis (PTM-SEA)
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Error GUI script in R 4.3.3 vs R 4.3.2 #30

Open Kaddea opened 4 months ago

Kaddea commented 4 months ago

Hi, running the GUI script in R-Studio with R 4.3.3 throws the following error message (see below, incl. traceback). With R 4.3.2, everything runs fine ...

Fehler: in Methode ‘range’ für Signatur ‘x="GCT"’: Argumente (‘na.rm’) nach '‘...’' in der Generischen müssen in der Methode an derselben Stelle am Ende der Argumentliste auftreten

Traceback (truncated)

  1. stop(gettextf("%s arguments (%s) after %s in the generic must appear in the method, in the same place at the end of the argument list", .renderSignature(generic@generic, signature), paste(sQuote(trailingArgs), collapse = ", "), sQuote("...")), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

  2. rematchDefinition(definition, fdef, mnames, fnames, signature)

  3. setMethod("range", methods::signature("GCT"), function(x, na.rm = F, finite = F) { range(x@mat, na.rm = na.rm, finite = finite) }) at io.R#116

  4. withCallingHandlers(expr, message = function(c) if (inherits(c, classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleMessage"))

  5. suppressMessages({ setMethod("show", methods::signature("GCT"), function(object) { utils::str(object) }) ... at io.R#98