broadinstitute / viral-classify

viral-ngs: taxonomic identification, classification, and filtering steps
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add metagenomics.taxlevel_plurality #42

Closed dpark01 closed 7 months ago

dpark01 commented 7 months ago

Add a new command to called taxlevel_plurality (inspired by taxlevel_summary) that takes a kraken (or kraken2 or krakenuniq) summary report as input and reports on the top taxa identified under a focal taxon of interest (e.g. "Viruses"). This emits a tabular file ranked in descending order of the taxa with the highest read counts (not including children).

Add new command to called filter_taxids_to_focal_hits to reduce a list of taxids to those related to outputs from taxlevel_plurality.

Also a few other unrelated bits included in this PR: