broadinstitute / viral-ngs

Viral genomics analysis pipelines
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bugfixes and deoptimize #995

Closed dpark01 closed 4 years ago

dpark01 commented 4 years ago
  1. Comment out all parameter_meta stream hinting in WDL for large input files until we resolve what's going suboptimally with us regarding dxfuse behavior. We can revert later once we sort that out. Meanwhile, the new dxda localization method appears to have improved localization speeds to about 2Gbps.
  2. Bugfix: version mismatch between requirements.txt and tools/ on Krona version number.
  3. Bugfix: post-krona processing had an os.rename instead of shutil.copyfile and was broken whenever the output file resided on a different file system from the TMPDIR (which is true in most execution contexts).