Closed finyyu closed 3 years ago
OS infomation: Linux raspberrypi 5.10.17-v7l+ #1414 SMP Fri Apr 30 13:20:47 BST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux
when saved device's [keys(OTAA)], network server log shows "error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetDeviceActivation".
That is expected as after saving the root keys, the device still needs to activate first to derive the session-keys, so it is correct that no activation exist yet.
raspberrypi chirpstack-network-server[22258]: time="2021-07-16T11:40:13.814983561+08:00" level=error msg="uplink: processing uplink frame error" ctx_id=66cd84b4-d9af-4436-92f9-9d68382273a7 error="zero items in collect set"
You have to debug the "zero items in collect set". It means that after the de-duplication timeout, there is no data collected. My assumption is a misconfiguration, causing the data to expire too soon.
As I think this is a configuration / setup issue (I can not reproduce it), I would like to ask you to post your question in
What happened?
when saved device's [keys(OTAA)], network server log shows "error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetDeviceActivation". After this operation, the device cannot join.
What did you expect?
The device can join success, and can send request to lora server.
Steps to reproduce this issue
Could you share your log output?
1、Set [KEYS(OTAA)] [network-server] logs 7月 16 11:37:11 raspberrypi chirpstack-network-server[22258]: time="2021-07-16T11:37:11.330377246+08:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code NotFound" ctx_id=9fd76f48-0c24-4dab-9eab-b417d7e8874e error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetDeviceActivation grpc.service=ns.NetworkServerService grpc.start_time="2021-07-16T11:37:11+08:00" grpc.time_ms=0.903 peer.address="" span.kind=server system=grpc
[application-server] logs 7月 16 11:37:11 raspberrypi chirpstack-application-server[22407]: time="2021-07-16T11:37:11.205210584+08:00" level=info msg="device-keys updated" ctx_id=8c5547df-2482-4f0e-b3e7-f5124877c1f2 dev_eui=85c70da1adf86e43 7月 16 11:37:11 raspberrypi chirpstack-application-server[22407]: time="2021-07-16T11:37:11.207132492+08:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code OK" ctx_id=8c5547df-2482-4f0e-b3e7-f5124877c1f2 grpc.code=OK grpc.method=UpdateKeys grpc.service=api.DeviceService grpc.start_time="2021-07-16T11:37:08+08:00" grpc.time_ms=2673.328 peer.address="[::1]:49708" span.kind=server system=grpc 7月 16 11:37:11 raspberrypi chirpstack-application-server[22407]: time="2021-07-16T11:37:11.332567558+08:00" level=info msg="finished client unary call" ctx_id=204885d6-5ee4-4c02-97bb-6b2912d097fc error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.ctx_id=9fd76f48-0c24-4dab-9eab-b417d7e8874e grpc.duration=3.67365ms grpc.method=GetDeviceActivation grpc.service=ns.NetworkServerService span.kind=client system=grpc 7月 16 11:37:11 raspberrypi chirpstack-application-server[22407]: time="2021-07-16T11:37:11.333283589+08:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code NotFound" ctx_id=204885d6-5ee4-4c02-97bb-6b2912d097fc error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=GetActivation grpc.service=api.DeviceService grpc.start_time="2021-07-16T11:37:11+08:00" grpc.time_ms=11.999 peer.address="[::1]:49708" span.kind=server system=grpc
2、join [network-server] logs 7月 16 11:40:13 raspberrypi chirpstack-network-server[22258]: time="2021-07-16T11:40:13.611008329+08:00" level=info msg="gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received" gateway_id=d35a141f592e347d uplink_id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 7月 16 11:40:13 raspberrypi chirpstack-network-server[22258]: time="2021-07-16T11:40:13.814983561+08:00" level=error msg="uplink: processing uplink frame error" ctx_id=66cd84b4-d9af-4436-92f9-9d68382273a7 error="zero items in collect set"
[application-server] logs no
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