brocade / pyfos

pyfos repository for FOS
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Test Environment #5

Open ruben-herold opened 5 years ago

ruben-herold commented 5 years ago


not every company has the money to have two full licenced 16Gb Fabos switches for the lab. So is there any kind of test environment where we can test our scripts against the api? For example:

     FabOS Simulator
      Virtualized Fabos
chaesaerts commented 5 years ago


Brocade does not currently have any test environment available to the general public. However, there are test environments for use by system engineers for internal use and for customer demos. You might want to reach out to your local Brocade technical contact and ask to test your scripts on one of those internal demo kits. That would obviously be different from your environment but you should be able to verify some of the programming logic.

ruben-herold commented 5 years ago


thx for the information. It would be very very helpfull is brocade would release some kind of simulator or virtualized fabos for testing. Nearly all network vendors and storage vendors have such kind of software