brocoders / redux-async-connect

It allows you to request async data, store them in redux state and connect them to your react component.
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Deferred promise does not fire on the client-side when in server-rendering mode #72

Open djeeg opened 8 years ago

djeeg commented 8 years ago

Hey @sars, this async project works really well, easy to understand and integrate, especially the new deferred vs not-deferred logic Thought I'd report this slight issue First point to note, this is not an issue when using client-side navigation It only becomes a problem on the initial server-side page request

I have a page, where I want the server to render 20% (fast) of an object and leave the client to fetch the other 80% (slow) 20% of the object is enough to push out the SEO tags

asyncConnect is setup like this:

const AsyncConnectedUserView = asyncConnect([{
    deferred: false,
    promise: ({store: {dispatch, getState}, params: {id}}) => {
        return Promise.resolve(dispatch(fetchShallowUserThunk(dispatch, id)));
}, {
    deferred: true,
    promise: ({store: {dispatch, getState}, params: {id}}) => {
        return Promise.resolve(dispatch(fetchDeepUserThunk(dispatch, id)));

And the server bindings: (a bit messy as using TS with no spread, and

var cloned = {};
for(var i in renderProps) {
    cloned[i] = renderProps[i];
cloned["store"] = store;
cloned["filter"] = (item) => {
    return !item.deferred
loadOnServer(cloned).then(() => {
    const appHTML = renderToString(
        <Provider store={store} key="provider">
            <ReduxAsyncConnect {...renderProps} />

And client bindings:

<Provider store={store} key="provider">
    <Router history={history} children={routes} render={(props) =>
        <ReduxAsyncConnect {...props} />
    } />

The problem I have, is that I would expect that on server render, the server waits for fetchShallowUserThunk (which it does) And then the client should trigger fetchDeepUserThunk (which it doesn't) It is like the [deferred: true] flag does not do anything

I can work around this by doing something like this

class UserView extends React.Component<IProps, any> {
    componentDidMount() {

Though, that's not ideal as I multiple calls to fetchDeepUserThunk

Have I missed something? Cheers

hanjukim commented 8 years ago

I'm facing at this problem too. Turning SSR off was my temporary fix.

danramosd commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue, turned off SSR and it worked for me, thanks @hanjukim

FrankPaul1 commented 7 years ago

What is SSR? and how to turn it off?

pie6k commented 7 years ago

@FrankPaul1 - it's Server Side Rendering