brodybits / cordova-sqlite-ext

A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows with REGEXP (Android/macOS/iOS) and pre-populated databases (Android/iOS/macOS/Windows)
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Change response payload to return rows #58

Open nullvoids opened 7 years ago

nullvoids commented 7 years ago

I'm expecting all the rows of the response to return in the success callback. This PR returns the rows as part of the response

jackyl14 commented 7 years ago

Great change, @sollabeck ! I will use this branch in my hybrid app until this gets merged into the next plugin release hopefully.

This allows my code to expect the same websql callback response in my browser that does not use the cordova plugin and in my iOS and Android apps that uses this cordova plugin.

jackyl14 commented 7 years ago

works like a charm!

brodybits commented 6 years ago

Thanks @sollabeck, this would definitely be a nice enhancement. I will probably reimplement your idea in CoffeeScript in a way so that the user can both get array access and continue to use the "standard" item() member function. I just raised #71 to implement this idea and add map access.