brodykenrick / text_on_OpenSCAD

A library for putting customised "text on" 3D shapes in OpenSCAD with changeable fonts, languages/scripts, text direction.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
136 stars 31 forks source link

warnings with east and rotate parameter in sphere example #21

Open maghraba opened 11 months ago

maghraba commented 11 months ago

OpenScad2021.1 [WARNING: variable east not specified as parameter in file text_on_sphere.scad, line 15](, C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/examples/text_on_sphere.scad)

[WARNING: variable rotate not specified as parameter in file text_on.scad, line 445]( C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/text_on.scad) [WARNING: variable halign not specified as parameter in file text_on.scad, line 445](, C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/text_on.scad) [WARNING: variable valign not specified as parameter in file text_on.scad, line 445](, C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/text_on.scad) [WARNING: Ignoring unknown variable 'east' in file C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/examples/text_on_sphere.scad, line 25](, C:/.../text_on_OpenSCAD-master/examples/text_on_sphere.scad) ECHO: undef

... translate([10,100,-20]){ color("blue") sphere(25); color("lightblue")
text_on_sphere("Rounded" ,r=25 ,extrusion_height=4 ,spin=45 ,northsouth=30 ,east=20 ,size=20 ,rounded=false ,center=true); } echo(east); ...