broncowdd / BoZoN

Minimalist Drag & drop file sharing app (version 2.4 build 15)
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[application/x-diskcopy, 6] The file doesn't fit #170

Open fgladu opened 8 years ago

fgladu commented 8 years ago


Je reçois le message suivant en voulant uploader un fichier de 40 MB avec un nouveau compte "admin" : [application/x-diskcopy, 6] The file doesn't fit J'ai créer deux autres compte "admin", même résultat. Le compte original n'est pas affecté par le problème. Le max upload size a été augmenté à 4096 MB dans BoZoN et dans PHP.

Seule particularité de mon installation, uploads -> /mnt/.../bozon/uploads/ (symbolic link à la racine de BoZoN)

BoZoN 2.4 build 15 CentOS 7 PHP 5.6


broncowdd commented 8 years ago

Je regarde ça dès mon retour ;-)

joaofl commented 8 years ago

Have similar problem. I have space on disk, but I'm getting the error: "[application/x-gzip, 495] The file doesn't fit "

It seems to be related to lack of ram memory, since I'm using an embedded arm server with few resources.

Tried to switch the temp folder location to my external hard disk (with enough space), what did not solve the issue.

Guess that, during the upload, instead of being cached on ram, files have to be written on disk, probably inside the temp folder. At least this is how Transmission torrent client does, for example.

broncowdd commented 8 years ago

Yes, the upload is done in the temp folder... but I don't think it's a free space problem... I'll figure it out...

broncowdd commented 8 years ago

J'ai essayé avec des fichiers de plusieurs tailles sans problème... Il faut que le fichier contienne dans l'espace restant du profil. Par défaut, les profils ont 50 Mo d'espace.

I've tried without any issue... The uploaded file must fit in the remaing free space in the profile folder. Each profile has 50 Mb of free space by default.

Have you tried to increase this value in the profiles page ?

joaofl commented 8 years ago

Actually did not check if it was limited by the profile. Where can I edid that?

I would say it is a bit hard to understand how to fit a user you create on one of those profiles. How to create a guest and authorize him, or any other user to fit on those other profiles.

I'll check again and let you know. Thanks!

broncowdd commented 8 years ago

It's easy to edit, don't worry ^^ First, clic on the «users» menu button capture du 2016-09-05 09 11 12

Then, select the «space» tab and edit the user's value. capture du 2016-09-05 09 11 38

You can also edit the status (admin, guest etc), delete a profile and change the password.

I have to make a documentation ! (it's the hardest thing to do ^^)