bronson / vim-trailing-whitespace

Highlights trailing whitespace in red and provides :FixWhitespace to fix it.
453 stars 62 forks source link

Make highlighting behave more sanely in all modes, and provide utility functions #4

Closed ntpeters closed 10 years ago

ntpeters commented 10 years ago

Significant changes to the plugin overall. Makes highlighting behave more sanely in insert mode and provides options to disable current line highlighting in normal mode. Also provides helper functions for enabling and disabling all settings.

bronson commented 10 years ago

The little plugin is growing up! I like the features, will look closer at the code in a few days.

ntpeters commented 10 years ago

Changed those references and updated pull request.

bronson commented 10 years ago

Right on.

Another user reported:

I tried Nate Petersons script, but the whitespaces are not highlighted when opening the file.

The function is enabled per default...

When running ':ToggleWhitespace' twice, then the whitespaces are shown with red background. : x

Kind regards!

Hoping you'll know offhand. Looking forward to playing with your changes after the weekend.

ntpeters commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I actually fixed that with a more recent commit. I realized I wasn't setting the default color on initialization. I just pushed another commit that checks if the user has already set the color in their .vimrc, and only sets the default color if they have not.

ntpeters commented 10 years ago

I'm going to close this pull request in favor of maintaining a separate branch on my repo for merging with this repo. That way I can maintain my own repository in the future should you ever choose to stop maintaining this repository.